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No BS Sales School

333 episodes - English - Latest episode: 11 days ago - ★★★★★ - 107 ratings

A modern take on professional selling with Walker McKay

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Who's In Your Front Row?

May 19, 2022 19:12 - 4 minutes - 4.54 MB

In this episode of the No BS Sales School, Walker McKay talks about making sure that you’re not spending too much time on relationships that don’t make you better for it. The old adage “Birds of the same feather, flock together” may sound cliche, but it’s true: the people you hang out with affect your life tremendously. Their energy becomes your energy, their truth becomes your truth. Your front row seats are limited: make them count.  HIGHLIGHTS Be intentional with your relationships Let...

Be Skeptical That You're The Right Fit

May 17, 2022 22:33 - 8 minutes - 8.06 MB

In this episode of the No BS Sales School, Walker McKay talks about standing out from your competition by being skeptical. Fact is, most people are not ready to buy from you and it’s logical that you prioritize those who are. However, being skeptical also allows you to be more honest with your clients by pointing out why they may not be the right fit. If they’re not ready to buy from you, then at least you didn’t waste your time.  HIGHLIGHTS Don't be afraid to point out the negatives right...

So You Want To Become An Entrepreneur? Go Sell Something.

May 12, 2022 17:42 - 8 minutes - 8.13 MB

In this episode of the No BS Sales School, Walker McKay talks about determining whether you really have an entrepreneurial spirit or if you just have a business idea. He argues that running a business entails sacrifice and an entirely different skill set than holding down a corporate job with benefits and a stable paycheck.  The only real way to know is to go out and sell something, so go do it. And if the troublesome work of figuring out scaling, logistics and temporary financial instabili...

Why Your Sales Cycle Is So Long And What You Can Do About It

May 10, 2022 22:44 - 8 minutes - 7.73 MB

In this episode of the No BS Sales School, Walker McKay talks about how we should be more comfortable with making yes or no decisions. Walker argues that sometimes, pushing a prospect to say no is more beneficial for all parties involved than needlessly prolonging a sales cycle. If the customer is not a good fit for you, then it's better to move on to the next one instead of spending more time on a deal that was never going to happen anyway.  HIGHLIGHTS You need to make better yes or no de...

What You Need To Break If You're Gonna Grow

May 05, 2022 17:31 - 10 minutes - 9.39 MB

In this episode of the No BS Sales School podcast, Walker talks about the seven things that need to break if you want to grow out of your complexity ceiling and get to the next stage of development.  At some point, everybody hits their complexity ceiling. This means that as you experience growth in your business or career, you’ll eventually hit a point where sheer will and hard work will no longer be enough to get to the next level. Instead, you’ll need to assess and tweak a few things to s...

The Best LinkedIn Strategy Is To Be Human

May 03, 2022 22:30 - 31 minutes - 28.9 MB

In this episode of the No BS Sales School podcast, Walker talks to the founder and Principal at McMillion Consulting, Lindsey McMillion Stemann. Lindsey shares her deep insight on the use of LinkedIn in your sales activities. While many other consultants might focus on understanding the algorithm that drives engagement, Lindsey says it’s best to err on the side of intentionality and human to human relationships. When posting your content, ensure that you’re doing it to reach out and help oth...

Making Friends vs Making Sales

April 28, 2022 22:20 - 7 minutes - 6.73 MB

In this episode of the No BS Sales School podcast, Walker talks about why there’s no need to be friends with everybody you do business with. While it’s true that relationships are a big part of sales, Walker argues that it’s much better to create healthy business relationships where you both help each other move forward in business. You want to build trust and good rapport, but there’s no need to hang out and have dinner with them.  HIGHLIGHTS There's no need to be friends with everybody  ...

Free Consulting - Why It's Bad And What You Can Do About It

April 26, 2022 21:10 - 12 minutes - 11.4 MB

In this episode of the No BS Sales School podcast, Walker gives excellent points on why you shouldn't be doing free consultations anymore. While it can be an effective marketing tool, giving away free information hurts your business because it devalues your products and/or services. As an alternative, Walker talks about a way to gauge your customer's commitment that also allows you to get something in return. HIGHLIGHTS How free consulting can hurt your business  It's okay to get somethin...

173: What The Hell Is Selling with Love And Why You Should Care

April 21, 2022 22:07 - 30 minutes - 27.7 MB

In this episode of the No BS Sales School podcast, Walker talks to Jason Marc Campbell. Jason talks about selling from a place of love, what it means, and why doing so helps create a more efficient and fair marketplace for all. For him, sales is an exchange of energy, and if nothing else, that energy should come from a place of caring about its impact to the buyer, to you, and the world at large.  Jason is the author of the book Selling with Love: Earn with Integrity and Expand Your Impact ...

172: Why Outbound Sales Is Not Dead! - Brad Seaman

April 19, 2022 23:17 - 37 minutes - 34.3 MB

Despite what some self-styled sales experts say, outbound sales is not dead, it is very much alive and should be a part of any good sales strategy. In this episode of the No BS Sales School podcast, Walker McKay talks to MonsterConnect founder and CEO Brad Seaman. Brad talks about the importance of doing research before doing cold-calls and finding out what your prospect really cares about. The more you know about your prospect prior to the call, the better your chances are at closing a deal...

171: The Gift Of ADHD with Dr. Raynia McGee

April 14, 2022 22:25 - 40 minutes - 37.2 MB

In this episode of the No BS Sales School with Walker McKay, Walker talks to psychiatrist Dr. Raynia McGee about a mental condition that Walker himself lives with: Attention Deficit and HyperActivity Disorder (ADHD). They go through the tell-tale signs of ADHD, its causes, and how people living with the condition can best address it. Dr. Raynia and Walker also talk about some of the ways that managers can deal with employees that exhibit behavior typical of ADHDs, and how people with this co...

170: Why We Make Excuses And What You Can Do About It with Dr. Robyn Odegaard

April 13, 2022 02:19 - 35 minutes - 32.7 MB

In this episode of the No BS Sales School with Walker McKay, Walker talks to performance psychologist Dr Robyn Odegaard. Robyn is an expert on performance psychology, and offers us insight into why we make excuses. For Robyn, making an excuse is part of the human condition. However, he also contends that this instinct can be controlled via intensive therapy from an expert coach.  HIGHLIGHTS A traumatic experience that led to performance psychology Your body is designed to be antifragile ...

169: Why MIndset Shifts Change Everything with Justin Cunningham

April 07, 2022 22:33 - 34 minutes - 31.6 MB

In this episode of the No BS Sales School with Walker McKay, Walker talks to sales coach Justin Cunningham. Justin talks about how he shifted from a life in entertainment to marketing and sales. Justin also talks about his sales philosophy called ‘Connect and Solve’, which is centered around finding solutions to solve a client’s problems, instead of persuasion.  In another life, Justin was a famous skateboarder and freestyle rapper. Make sure to make it to the end for a demonstration of Jus...

168: Recruiting Talent During "The Great Resignation."

April 05, 2022 19:06 - 29 minutes - 27.2 MB

HIGHLIGHTS From communications to recruitment  Jumping ship to entrepreneurship  Are employees nowadays just lazy and entitled? Employers need to move fast to secure qualified talent Setting expectations is key in the recruitment business QUOTES Erin: "I think that the perception is that people are just choosing not to work, but that's not my experience when I talk to candidates. I think that they are taking time to say, what do I really want, what is most important for me in life, an...

167: How Not To Screw Up Your Sale After You've Made It

March 31, 2022 15:58 - 10 minutes - 9.71 MB

HIGHLIGHTS Warn client that the incumbent that you just replaced may call them  Address buyer's remorse before it comes  Prepare them for possible issues with implementation  QUOTES Walker: "Nobody likes change. How are you gonna handle it when they give you blowback and say, hey, we don't like this. We don't want to do this, we think this is a bunch of crap. Get them prepared for that. Tell them it's gonna happen."  Walker: "If nothing else, you're showing your expertise, you're showi...

166: Present Your Solution!

March 29, 2022 22:24 - 11 minutes - 10.4 MB

HIGHLIGHTS Sell today, educate tomorrow  Look for confirmation along the way  Ask for feedback using the 10-scale  QUOTES Walker: "Remember, before you give something, get something in return." Walker: "Hey, look I'm happy to talk to you about price. Let's pretend we agree on price, that you're okay with it. What do you see happening next? Because I want to find out, is there a hidden decision maker somewhere, are there other objections that they're gonna have, I want to make sure that...

165: How To Close Without Any Pressure

March 24, 2022 16:53 - 9 minutes - 9.09 MB

HIGHLIGHTS Close the deal before you present your solution Confirm what you've heard them tell you Use their language to show that you're paying attention If they're not committed, you ain't going to fix it Take no pressure, give no pressure QUOTES Walker: "What we're closing for is not for a purchase. That comes later. That happens more organically. What we're closing for is a decision: yes or no. We're getting a prospect to agree, one more time, before we give away our information, ...

164: How To Disqualify Prospects Who Aren't Ready To Buy

March 22, 2022 23:27 - 13 minutes - 12.5 MB

HIGHLIGHTS Most people will not be ready to make a change  Make sure someone has a problem they want to solve  No pain, no personal impact, no sale Don’t give your price out right away Figure out their decision-making process QUOTES Walker: “How much information do you need to give them if they’re not ready to make a change? I would say, not very much. Them being qualified or ready has very little to do with you and everything to do with them.” Walker: “People are comfortable staying...

163: Pain. What It Is, Why It's So Important, And How To Find It In Your Prospect

March 17, 2022 19:55 - 13 minutes - 12.4 MB

HIGHLIGHTS Problems are intellectual, but often the responses are emotional The nature of pain and its consequences It's your job to help clients discover what their pain points are No pain no sale 10 Questions to ask to discover your client's pain QUOTES Walker: "This is not manipulation. You do not create pain, you don't cause pain, they've got it. Or they don't. But you're helping them figure this out for themselves." Walker: "By going through the process and digging deep enough, ...

162: Questioning Strategies To Better Understand Your Prospect's Opinions, Part II

March 15, 2022 22:12 - 10 minutes - 9.34 MB

HIGHLIGHTS Let them infer, don't you imply  Always make your customers comfortable with their choices Ask what they really like about the service that they're already receiving Ask for one thing that they want to do better QUOTES Walker: "Point out what good looks like. Show what you would do without saying 'we do this.' Let them infer, don't you imply." Walker: "I've got problems, we all have a million problems we just got to figure out which ones are important enough to fix. Not eve...

161: How To Use 3rd Party Stories And Let's Pretend Strategy To Learn Your Prospect's Problems

March 10, 2022 19:37 - 9 minutes - 8.76 MB

HIGHLIGHTS Ask for information that you want to learn Customers often don't know good service Practice second-level thinking Use third-party stories to demonstrate a good reputation Ask your 'Let's Pretend' questions to solicit opinion QUOTES Walker: “Better service, or great service is in the mind of the receiver. It's not in your mind. So how do we really differentiate ourselves? It comes from asking our prospect's opinions, that's the key. It's not just asking questions, but solici...

160: How To Manage Expectations For Your Sales Call

March 08, 2022 23:11 - 9 minutes - 8.6 MB

HIGHLIGHTS We need to have better conversations Know how much time you have  Ask for permission to cover certain topics  Always ask for a decision  Create a dialogue, not a monologue  Figure out and disclose your biggest fear QUOTES Walker: "Every time you have a sales call you need to establish that there needs to be YESs or NOs. We're supposed to be calling on decision makers and so their job is to make decisions, right? So set at the beginning where you say, `Let's figure this out...

159: 2 More Important Mindsets You Must Have To Succeed In Sales

March 04, 2022 02:36 - 11 minutes - 10.1 MB

HIGHLIGHTS Equal business stature with everybody you deal with Be the guide and not the hero QUOTES Walker: "You have just as much right to walk away from any deal as your prospect does, and that scares the hell of a lot of salespeople. Like, oh I can't push back, I can't tell him I'm not gonna do that because they can buy from somebody else. Well, maybe so. But you've got your process that you need to follow and some of your prospects won't want to follow it. And you can make a business...

158: The First Two Critical Mindsets For Sales

March 01, 2022 22:26 - 9 minutes - 8.88 MB

HIGHLIGHTS You're not the right fit for everybody Ask, don't tell and never assume QUOTES Walker: "You need to be very discerning about who you take on as a client. Not everybody is gonna be the right fit. Not everybody is gonna be the right fit right now. Sometimes people get  into sales and they're either told 'everybody is a prospect' or 'don't take not for an answer'. Quite frankly, that's a bunch of bullshit."  Walker: "Your job on a sales call, in multiple sales calls, is not so m...

157: How You're Being Robbed By Your Prospects

February 24, 2022 20:15 - 16 minutes - 14.7 MB

HIGHLIGHTS Customers manipulate sellers all the time  4 steps in the buyer's process  Step 1: Ask for a price Step 2: Get free consulting Nobody wants to wrestle with salespeople  Step 3: Say nice things and get rid of you It's not a buying signal if it's not in the form of a check Step 4: Leave you in voicemail Sellers and buyers should have the fair amount of control  QUOTES Walker: "The only effing buyer signal that you should ever pay attention to, the only thing that is a buy...

156: How To Pre Plan Your Sales Call

February 23, 2022 03:07 - 13 minutes - 12.5 MB

HIGHLIGHTS What happens after you get the meeting? Planning can save you weeks or sometimes months Pre-call planner: 11 questions you need to ask yourself before a meeting Think about the ideal outcome Write down the places where you normally screw things up QUOTES Walker: "Your prospect needs to know why exactly you are meeting with them before they meet with you." Walker: "Remember that your job is to understand your prospect and for them to know that you understand them."  Walker...

155: Why You Need To Be More Skeptical With Your Prospects

February 17, 2022 19:09 - 6 minutes - 6.16 MB

HIGHLIGHTS A healthy dose of skepticism never hurt anybody Your prospect overcomes the objection, not you Slow people down to ensure that the experience is good Always ask how they think you can help QUOTES Walker: "If you're not skeptical, you're gonna start having what we call happy ears. Which means you're just gonna hear what you want to hear. And when your prospect pushes back, maybe gives you some opposition, maybe tells you something that should slow you down, you might think, ‘...

154: How To Deliver Bad News

February 17, 2022 14:46 - 10 minutes - 9.97 MB

HIGHLIGHTS Concept of rescue Go in humbly and act as if it hurts you just as badly. Be open with people and don’t be defensive.  Let them get their emotions out and don’t take it personally. QUOTES Walker: "When you gotta deliver bad news, act like it hurts you worse.” Walker: "Take responsibility. Act like it hurts. Don’t get upset with your prospects if they get upset with the problem. Remember, they’re upset with the problem, not you."  Walker: "If you take responsibility, chances...

153: How And Why You Need To Be Networking Right Now

February 10, 2022 19:06 - 10 minutes - 9.61 MB

HIGHLIGHTS Networking is a lost art To give is better than to receive Be sincerely interested in people The present, past, and future are good conversation starters Look forward to helping people QUOTES Walker: Pick up the phone. Remember that thing that you look at Snapchat on? Pick up the damn phone and call somebody. Pick up the phone and say 'Hey John, Hey Susan, you know I've known you for 6 years, 16 years, and I know you're a lawyer but I don't really know what you do. Would yo...

152: Why It's Good To Be Scared As Sh!t

February 09, 2022 00:32 - 7 minutes - 7.21 MB

HIGHLIGHTS Going forward is hard but that's what we signed up for Changes can get uncomfortable and expensive Your only competitor is yourself You gotta make changes to grow QUOTES Walker: "All of us at some point in our career, we're gonna reach that point where what you're doing is not working as well anymore. You're gonna feel overwhelmed, underpaid, you're gonna feel like the whole world falling apart and stuff just isn't working anymore or not working as you needed it to. That's a...

151: Turn Off The News with Walker McKay

February 03, 2022 00:50 - 14 minutes - 12.9 MB

HIGHLIGHTS Turn off the news for now  Avoid doom scrolling and focus on the things you can control Emotion is the root of recession Take the time to learn new things through books and podcasts  Stay away from negativity, just keep on working QUOTES Walker: "As stones fall, we create a recession for ourselves. Now does it happen after a natural business cycle, normal human behavior, yes but you don't have to participate."  Walker: "Read books. I don't care if they're business books, I...

150: Video Storytelling Creates Relevance And Context with Doug Lehman

January 27, 2022 01:33 - 29 minutes - 27.3 MB

HIGHLIGHTS Acceptance of video has gone up and production costs have gone down To create great videos, emulate great content creators Ideal video length is variable, it's context versus content Social watching customizes your videos for your audience Relatable videos for and by clients QUOTES Doug: "Competition-wise, it comes down to the story of the content. What works for you in video may not work for another client." Doug: "Keep it authentic to a certain extent. It has to be done r...

149: Why It's Important To Focus On Company Culture Right Now with John Morris

January 19, 2022 22:15 - 27 minutes - 25.5 MB

HIGHLIGHTS The path to success is not always linear  Talking to business people can be a potent learning experience Selling the experience, not just the product  What you do impacts company culture  It's the organization's job to engage employees How to create a company culture in the era of remote work Reward people for following your company's core values People want to be micro supported, not micromanaged Hire for culture first  QUOTES John: "The best way to learn how to unders...

148: How To Build A Value Add Network with Rob Napoli

January 12, 2022 18:16 - 34 minutes - 31.8 MB

HIGHLIGHTS Follow your passion and do what you love  What is a value-added network?  Surround yourself with people that you can learn from Creating a Brand Ambassador List  Find people that can advise you in times of need You create more value for others than you think  Be thoughtful about who you connect with  The making of The Social Soul It's not about being a salesperson, it's about being an engager  Create a relationship before selling your product  We all can create our own ...

147: Stop Trying To Sell Your Product with Walker McKay

January 06, 2022 02:25 - 9 minutes - 8.4 MB

HIGHLIGHTS Sales guy starts as an excellent rookie Newbie sales guy gets sales training Now well-trained sales guy fails at sales Think like a beginner: ask questions like you don't know any better  Make your audience feel understood QUOTES Walker: "When you sell a product or even a service, what we do is we let the damn product or service get in the way. We want to talk way too much about the service or the product and not nearly ask enough about the prospect." Walker: What do you k...

146: Forging Your Own Path To Success with Jeff Bajorek

December 30, 2021 01:18 - 35 minutes - 32.5 MB

HIGHLIGHTS Always come prepared in your conversations From sports medicine to sales Selling surgery: a masterclass in modern selling It can be difficult but worth it to start anew Finding a good mentor can change your life Always think about what you want to accomplish Take charge of your own success  To be fundamentally curious is to face the possibility of being wrong QUOTES Jeff: “It's really important that you are prepared for your conversations in sales, networking, all that s...

145: How To Build Professional Relationships with Sara Verhof

December 23, 2021 17:28 - 35 minutes - 32.5 MB

HIGHLIGHTS From advertising to Scale-ups Working in a high-powered, male-dominant sales environment  Keeping up with male activities was a part of the job  Dealing with sexual harassment and sexism in the workplace  What women can and cannot do in business in different cultures Always be direct and very clearly manage expectations  How to create healthy business relationships Silence does not mean yes QUOTES Sara: “I noticed when I did not go to the pub with the team, I was out of ...

144: Achieve Sales Success Without Compromising Your Values with Andy Paul

December 16, 2021 00:26 - 32 minutes - 29.4 MB

HIGHLIGHTS Andy's early career: from tech to sales There's not just one way to sell products Developing your own sales strategies What is the role of a sales manager? Selling in vs Selling out Connect with someone on a human level Think about the buyer's experience of you Using engineers as sellers QUOTES Andy: "You have to be deliberate and intentional in saying, 'yeah how do I become the best version of myself as a seller'? I don't think it comes from blind obedience from one met...

143: The things you learned about sales that are complete BS with Liz Wendling

December 10, 2021 01:51 - 25 minutes - 23.7 MB

HIGHLIGHTS 01:36 Liz's professional journey to becoming a sought-after consultant and coach 04:26 Re-engineer language to stand out: Remove fillers, minimizers  08:14 Voice mails, like emails, need to be straight to the point 11:49 Being nice versus being real 15:11 People buy from people they like and trust is BS — it's about value 20:21 Turning attorneys into human beings who know how to connect with others 24:29 Connect with Liz and work with her QUOTES 03:10 Liz: "It truly is ab...

142: Revenue Acceleration Made Achievable with Brent Keltner

November 24, 2021 23:50 - 31 minutes - 29.2 MB

HIGHLIGHTS 02:45 Transitioning from the sales guy to the sales trainer guide 06:37 Training his team how to run sales and make discovery calls 015:15 Reaching out to the decision-maker of a company 021:01 Being trained by crappy salespeople 15:48 Transparency: When some don't want processes to be transparent 30:52 Enjoy your work more and make more money QUOTES 08:29 “If you don't have a million, I'm happy to lend you some of mine to get up to a million. Right. But there's only so mu...

141: How To Avoid National Screw Off Month

November 18, 2021 18:26 - 15 minutes - 13.8 MB

HIGHLIGHTS 00:44 National Screw Off Month: From Thanksgiving to January 03:45 Tip 1: Go through your dead files 05:44 Tip 2: Call your existing clients 08:45 Tip 3: Call and fire the customers that are time wasters 10:48 Tip 4: Reach out to your network QUOTES 00:43 "National screw off month runs from about week of Thanksgiving until maybe the first week in January. So it's a special month. It's a long month. This is a time when a lot of salespeople... say nobody buys anything from Th...

140: Squirrels, Deer And Elephants — How to Prioritize Clients

November 12, 2021 04:04 - 13 minutes - 11.9 MB

HIGHLIGHTS 00:58 A story of a man who hunts squirrels, deer, and elephants 02:50 See clients and prospects as any one of these animals 06:17 Dilute the elephants, find the deer, raise prices with squirrels  09:42 Grab your customer list and identify the squirrels, deer, or elephants 10:20 4 questions to ask your deer clients   QUOTES 03:56 "The first thing that happens in the cycle of an elephant is, the first thing they'll do is go for scope creep, which means, hey, can you do this ...

139: Living In Alignment By Rewiring Your Brain with Livi Redden

November 05, 2021 17:01 - 30 minutes - 24.1 MB

HIGHLIGHTS 01:52 Deep conversations as a child caused Livi to grow up at an early age 03:06 Chicken Noodle Soup fan and taking initiative at 13 06:41 Living in alignment: Heal from your past, rewiring your brain, know your non-negotiables 09:23 How to know if you're in or out of alignment  15:48 Livi's body telling her to take time for herself: A breakthrough, anxiety problems just before sleeping, taking a moment to pause 28:04 Final thoughts and how to reach Livi QUOTES 07:54 "You ...

138: Mental Illness Is A Bitch

October 21, 2021 16:00 - 19 minutes - 15.8 MB

HIGHLIGHTS 01:14 The ending of a life: A desperate sadness that many can relate with 03:47 Mental illness caused a brutal back pain and terrible loneliness 06:31 Reaching out for medical help and taking medication 09:32 Mental stress affects everyone and is caused by many triggers 15:07 Someone who reveals their mental health problems needs your help 17:25 A career in sales is hard on mental health, so take care of yourselves QUOTES 02:13 "When somebody said to me, how in the world c...

137: Just Say "No"!

October 13, 2021 05:00 - 14 minutes - 13.2 MB

It's a Walker Rant: Why "no" is my 2nd favorite word in sales, plus why and how you should embrace it too! Where to find find Walker: LinkedIn Twitter Instagram

136: Shifting from job to business

October 06, 2021 05:00 - 8 minutes - 8.11 MB

This week on the podcast, Walker talks through some ideas he has for scaling his business.  Where to find find Walker: LinkedIn Twitter Instagram

135: How to Shift Mediocre to Excellent with Forrest Dombrow

September 29, 2021 05:00 - 25 minutes - 23.4 MB

Forrest Dombrow is Founder of Solve Sales and the author of Clone your Ace, a book that shows sales leaders how to duplicate their top salespeople's results in the rest of the sales team. Forrest believes the right process can help mediocre salespeople grow to be excellent producers. We also talk about the Zen of Selling and other cool stuff. Listen. Rate. Review!

134: Walker Rants About Accountability

September 22, 2021 05:00 - 16 minutes - 14.7 MB

How to bring accountability into your sales team. In today's episode, Walker gives step-by-step instructions on how to introduce and implement accountability to help your "A" players excel, and give everyone else the opportunity to do the same. Here's where you can find Walker: LinkedIn Twitter Instagram

133: Be Attached to Getting an Outcome, Not What the Outcome Is

September 15, 2021 05:00 - 30 minutes - 28.4 MB

"Be attached to getting an outcome, but not to what the outcome is." Rochelle Carrington, President of Bulletproof Management, Inc. believed this with every fiber in her being. She's built several successful businesses from scratch, and attributes much of her success to understanding that every sales call needs to end with a "yes" or a "no" to something. She shares her experience and actionable information that will make you money! Connect with Rochelle on LinkedIn and at Bulletproof Manag...

132: Rant! Screen Your Prospects Carefully

September 08, 2021 05:00 - 23 minutes - 21.6 MB

When you take the wrong clients on, not only does it hurt them, it also hurts you. Every time you say "yes" to the wrong client, you're saying "no" to another opportunity which could be more fulfilling, profitable, and better for you in the long term. Walker shares some strategies and beliefs to minimize the time you spend talking to and working with the wrong people.    Here's where you can find Walker: LinkedIn Twitter Instagram


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