Ask for information that you want to learnCustomers often don't know good servicePractice second-level thinkingUse third-party stories to demonstrate a good reputationAsk your 'Let's Pretend' questions to solicit opinion


Walker: “Better service, or great service is in the mind of the receiver. It's not in your mind. So how do we really differentiate ourselves? It comes from asking our prospect's opinions, that's the key. It's not just asking questions, but soliciting our prospect's opinions about their situation."

Walker: “It's not just thinking about what's happening or what a decision is, but what happens after you make that decision, what are the possibilities then? Really good salespeople are great at helping your prospect think through the second level thinking, answering the second level questions.”

Walker: “Your sharing your opinion early is just at best is free consulting, at worse you're kicking yourself out of a deal. If you're sharing your opinion on what they should do to fix it before you fully understand, before they think you fully understand their problem, you're wasting time. They're just qualifying you at every breath."

Walker: "Let's pretend I can't cut the price down. Let's pretend I can't cut my price. Any reason we should keep talking. Let's pretend that you go to your boss and talk to him about this. What's he likely to say? How do you think he'd respond, right? Learn your prospect's opinions about stuff that hasn't even happened yet."

Where to find Walker:

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