We need to have better conversationsKnow how much time you have Ask for permission to cover certain topics Always ask for a decision Create a dialogue, not a monologue Figure out and disclose your biggest fear


Walker: "Every time you have a sales call you need to establish that there needs to be YESs or NOs. We're supposed to be calling on decision makers and so their job is to make decisions, right? So set at the beginning where you say, `Let's figure this out.’" 

Walker: "This has got to be a dialogue, not a monologue. It's got to be actually engaging, you're asking questions, you're waiting for the response to see whether you're moving forward or not. We can't just will these things into being, we've got to ask our way through these things."

Walker: "Make sure that they understand. Make sure that you're on the same base. This is where we begin to get 50% control. By getting an agreement like this they agree to use our process, not their process."

Where to find Walker:

LinkedInTwitterInstagramFree training coursewww.walkermckay.com

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