Equal business stature with everybody you deal withBe the guide and not the hero


Walker: "You have just as much right to walk away from any deal as your prospect does, and that scares the hell of a lot of salespeople. Like, oh I can't push back, I can't tell him I'm not gonna do that because they can buy from somebody else. Well, maybe so. But you've got your process that you need to follow and some of your prospects won't want to follow it. And you can make a business decision if you want to continue." 

Walker: "If somebody asks you to do something, one thing you can get in return is to find out what happens next. Because if you say, I'm happy to send you a proposal, what do you see happening next and [they] say, well I'm getting four or five more in and I'm gonna pick, then you can make a business decision if you want to do that or not. I would say, hell no." 

Walker: Make your client the hero for choosing you. Make them the hero. Celebrate them. sales is never about you, the salesperson. Sales is always about the prospect, giving them what they want, what solves their pain, in a way that they want it. And if you can't accommodate those things then you're not the right fit."

Where to find Walker:

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