Always come prepared in your conversationsFrom sports medicine to salesSelling surgery: a masterclass in modern sellingIt can be difficult but worth it to start anewFinding a good mentor can change your lifeAlways think about what you want to accomplishTake charge of your own success To be fundamentally curious is to face the possibility of being wrong


Jeff: “It's really important that you are prepared for your conversations in sales, networking, all that stuff. I like to say that your prospect will only allow you to waste their time once.”

Jeff: “I challenge people to think, what's that feeling you get when you make the biggest sale of your career? What's that feeling you got when you walked out with an order that you knew was gonna change your career? Remember that feeling. I hope people find that feeling more often.”

Jeff: “I think our own momentum and inertia gets us so wrapped up sometimes, that it's really tough to change course even when you know a course change is the right thing to do. Habits become routines, routines become ruts, ruts become canyons before too long.”

Jeff: "I want to know what we're trying to accomplish so I can figure out the way I can do it the most effectively." 

Jeff: "Stop looking for a How-To guide. Start paying attention to your own intuition and sell like you. Take inspiration from the people who've gone before you, the people who've been successful, the mentors that you will hopefully exceed one day because that's what they want to see for you too."

Jeff: "What a real good mentorship does is it helps you understand the why behind the things, the fundamentals and principles that are at work. And you can modify your technique if you know that prospecting needs to be done, whether through the phone, a computer, smoke signal, carrier pigeon, whatever it is. You'll figure out the way to accomplish what needs to be accomplished."

Where to find Jeff:

LinkedIn WebsitePodcast

Where to find Walker:


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