Despite what some self-styled sales experts say, outbound sales is not dead, it is very much alive and should be a part of any good sales strategy. In this episode of the No BS Sales School podcast, Walker McKay talks to MonsterConnect founder and CEO Brad Seaman. Brad talks about the importance of doing research before doing cold-calls and finding out what your prospect really cares about. The more you know about your prospect prior to the call, the better your chances are at closing a deal afterwards. 


The founding of MonsterConnect and how it works Your team is only as good as the people you have Is outbound sales truly dead? Most people hate cold-calling but we do it anywayResearch your prospect before the cold-call Personalization is not always equal to relevance 


Brad: "Your service company is only as good as the people, and most service places struggle because they get into what I call, peanut butter staffing. Which is, it doesn't matter whether you're a web agency or a development firm or an appointment setting company, you're only as good as the people you have during the production of the product." 

Brad: "[Cold calling] is just like lifting weights. It's just like working out. People don't want to work out, they'd rather take pills. That's why the pill market is larger than the lifting market... But going into the gym regularly and working out is the best way to build your body and health."

Brad: "Most people have two or three things that they really care about and your job as a salesperson is to find and understand what those two or three things are, and to craft a pitch that addresses those two or three things. And most people simply do not do the work."

Brad: "We spend way too much time trying to figure out what to say and not who to say it to. And not what you say doesn't matter. I do think it matters. Go home and try to kiss your wife first thing in the door when she's not happy. So it does matter. But go try and kiss somebody that's not your wife, and let's see how that works." 

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