Problems are intellectual, but often the responses are emotionalThe nature of pain and its consequencesIt's your job to help clients discover what their pain points areNo pain no sale10 Questions to ask to discover your client's pain


Walker: "This is not manipulation. You do not create pain, you don't cause pain, they've got it. Or they don't. But you're helping them figure this out for themselves."

Walker: "By going through the process and digging deep enough, and having real in-depth conversations, that's how we can make the biggest impact on our prospects. And that's how we can figure out how time should I spend here."

Walker: "If there is not pain that your prospect has, chances are, the best thing you're gonna get, the way you're gonna get the sale is because you're cheaper. The way we can take it off of price, off of term, sometimes where prices become irrelevant, is if somebody has pain." 

Walker: “By taking your prospect through this questioning process too, you begin to earn the right to solve the problem. Because oftentimes, if you just jump right in with the solution, you haven't earned the right. Maybe they've already tried that before and it didn't work. Maybe they're just not ready to hear it yet  because they don't feel like you fully understand them."

Where to find Walker:

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