In this episode of the No BS Sales School, Walker McKay talks about how we should be more comfortable with making yes or no decisions. Walker argues that sometimes, pushing a prospect to say no is more beneficial for all parties involved than needlessly prolonging a sales cycle. If the customer is not a good fit for you, then it's better to move on to the next one instead of spending more time on a deal that was never going to happen anyway. 


You need to make better yes or no decisionsWhen 'let me think it over" actually means 'No'You're not the right fit for everybody


Walker: "At the end of every sales call, you need to get a yes or no to something. Doesn't mean that you have a one-call close, many of us don't have one-call closes. Many of you do have one-call closes, you just take five or six calls to make it close. Part of that is probably because you suck at making yes or no decisions."

Walker: "When somebody tells us, hey, I need to think it over, I need to process this, why don't you call me in a week, or let me sleep on it, or I need to pray about it. All those things, those are fine. But also I want you to understand those are all slow NOs." 

Walker: "A quick no is so much better than a damn long no. Long NOs suck."

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