Networking is a lost artTo give is better than to receiveBe sincerely interested in peopleThe present, past, and future are good conversation startersLook forward to helping people


Walker: Pick up the phone. Remember that thing that you look at Snapchat on? Pick up the damn phone and call somebody. Pick up the phone and say 'Hey John, Hey Susan, you know I've known you for 6 years, 16 years, and I know you're a lawyer but I don't really know what you do. Would you be okay having a cup of coffee with me in a meeting? I might come by your office, just to figure out if there's someone I know that you need to know.' Your offer for this network is to give, not to take."

Walker: "Somebody who either puts people together that need to know each other, or you're able to refer business to somebody else, expecting nothing in return. Just know that for the good of the world, that's the best thing that you can possibly do. And while it may not come back one for one, other than it just being the right damn thing, it's very, very powerful. If you become somebody who is known as somebody who is interested in other people, who wants to help other people, that will come back to you in spades."

Walker: "Be sincerely curious. Go to learn. Go to figure out how can I help you? Which can be a question you can ask at any time, but certainly towards the end of your conversation, 'This has been really interesting,' you might say, and mean it. Here's the part, sincerely curious, the first part of that is sincere. 'How can I help you? Who are you trying to meet, maybe, that I might know?'"

Where to find Walker:

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