A healthy dose of skepticism never hurt anybodyYour prospect overcomes the objection, not youSlow people down to ensure that the experience is goodAlways ask how they think you can help


Walker: "If you're not skeptical, you're gonna start having what we call happy ears. Which means you're just gonna hear what you want to hear. And when your prospect pushes back, maybe gives you some opposition, maybe tells you something that should slow you down, you might think, ‘oh hell I can just overcome that.’"

Walker: "The only person who can overcome an objection in a sales call is your prospect. You're not smart enough to do it yourself because you've never walked in their shoes. You don't know what that other person is really thinking." 

Walker: "Go have real conversations with people. Go have adult conversations with adults. People do make decisions emotionally than they justify it. Make them justify to you why it matters to them. Slow them down, slow yourself down."

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