Overcome Emotional Eating artwork

Overcome Emotional Eating

111 episodes - English - Latest episode: almost 2 years ago -

This podcast is for you, woman, that are struggling with your weight because you can't seem to be able to stop emotional eating. Your emotions are leading you to uncontrollable eating.You probably have tried all diets out there and nothing seems to stick long enough for you to feel in control. You think your problem is that you love food too much and that’s why you can’t stop overeating. You feel hopeless, defeated and stuck in a vicious cycle making it impossible for you to take control over your eating habits.What I want to teach you on this podcast is how to overcome all of that, so you can feel empowered and in control of your eating habits, emotions, body and life WITHOUT using willpower.Image a life without mind drama around food, about your body... how freeing that would be for you? What would you do? Who would you be? We will tackle all of that and much more with a pinch of accent and a handful of fun. Stay tuned! I'm Pamella Arnold, weight loss coach and nutritional therapist. I will help you overcome emotional eating, lose weight, and feel in control over your body and life again.www.pamellaarnold.com

Mental Health Health & Fitness Alternative Health emotional eating weight loss mental health coaching nutrition willpower binge eating overeating lose weight self-care
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Loving your body to weight loss with Nadina Cojocaru

April 19, 2021 01:00 - 36 minutes - 25.4 MB

Struggling to love your body before you lose weight? You have to listen to this great conversation with my friend Nadina Cojocaru. Nadina shares her story of healing her thoughts about her body from being underweight and overweight and how loving her body the way it is now has been the most amazing self-care and self-love thing she could do. She uses a great analogy of how to accept our body structure with ease and how unique we are in taking care of it.   Nadina is a vet-coach and a Certifi...

The contrast of emotions

April 12, 2021 01:00 - 20 minutes - 14.2 MB

We believe we need to feel goo all the time. The goal is always to be happy. But the truth is, we want to feel negative emotions. As humans, we have the contrast of emotions. The good and bad, happy and sad, etc... we wouldn't know how happy feels like without feeling sad. Life is 50/50. This concept is powerful. We will feel 50% negative and 50% positive, always. Today's episode I talk about the contrast of emotions and how we want to feel negative emotions as much as positive ones. The go...


April 05, 2021 01:00 - 16 minutes - 11.5 MB

"Obstacle is the way" I heard this quote from Stephen Larsen on a podcast a while ago and he was talking about business. Then I realised that obstacles are the way to succeed not only for entrepreneurs and businesses, but for anyone who has a goal to achieve. I want to use this powerful quote to talk about weight loss goals. For you to succeed in weight loss you need to overcome obstacles. But what we start the process with the thought: "I want this to be super easy." Do you know why m...

How not to give up in your weight loss goals

March 29, 2021 01:00 - 16 minutes - 11.5 MB

Why do you give up on your weight loss goals? You set a goal to lose weight, you make a commitment and actually we are very good in making commitments. Once you make the commitment, you generate excitement and determination, you plan your meals, sign up for the gym, or for a programme and you are fired up. And all of that feels amazing. But then what happens? Just after you made the commitment, the reality sets in. And how do you feel? You start feeling deprivation, confusion, fear, doubt, ...

The solution for weight loss

March 22, 2021 02:00 - 21 minutes - 14.5 MB

When I was struggling with emotional eating back in the day, I wish there was someone out there to help me.  Don’t get me wrong, I had help. But nothing like mindset help... nothing like what I do today to help women overcome emotional eating and lose weight for good.  I was always trying to find the ultimate solution to my problem and lots of the things I did, didn’t work... but I kept trying until I found it.  That’s why I’m creating a room with 10 women who is ready to say YES to thems...

Trust yourself

March 15, 2021 02:00 - 21 minutes - 14.8 MB

Today's episode is a complementary from the last one, episode 54. Creating certainty that you will lose weight need to be also linked to trusting yourself that you will do it. Trust is a feeling, feelings are created by thoughts, and thoughts are optional, so we get to choose thoughts that create trust at any time. The definition of trust on google is: "Trust is a feeling that somebody or something can be relied upon, or will turn out to be good. It is the feeling of being sure about somet...

Creating certainty

March 08, 2021 02:00 - 19 minutes - 13.3 MB

Today's episode I share my personal story about my wedding being postponed twice and how this relates to weight loss. I am certain I will marry Paul no matter what, it is happening, even though I am not married yet. My certainty is what is going to make the wedding happen, not the wedding happening first. This works for weight loss too. We can feel certain that we will lose weight no matter what, it's happening, before you actually lose the weight. You can try it and see how powerful that is...

Overcome Emotional Eating Masterclass

March 01, 2021 02:00 - 48 minutes - 33.6 MB

You know when you promise yourself that you will be good today... eat the veggies, lean protein, good carbs?! You have this great image of how your day is going to look like if you actually follow through. You would feel amazing, right? But then by 3pm, you just can't resist the cookie in the cupboard or the the ice cream in the freezer... and that promise you did to yourself is totally ruined. A lot of guilt, shame, disappointment and even anger. You feel horrible about your eating ha...

Let's celebrate

February 22, 2021 02:00 - 19 minutes - 13.5 MB

Let's celebrate 1 year of Overcome Emotional Eating podcast!! 52 weeks of great episodes helping you overcome emotional eating and lose weight for good. Today's I want to teach you how important it is to celebrate everything that goes well in your weight loss journey and in your life in general. Our brain is hard wired to look for danger, negativity and what's not working, and with that we talk shitty with ourselves and have a lot of self-judgment thoughts. This is only keeping us further aw...

Love yourself to weight loss

February 15, 2021 02:00 - 12 minutes - 8.64 MB

The day after Valentine's Day is also a good day to talk about love. What love has to do with emotional eating and weight loss? EVERYTHING. We can't go into weight loss hating ourselves. The result is always temporary and pretty miserable. When we choose negative thoughts, we will have negative feelings and negative actions. But love is always an option. Loving thoughts are always available for you to choose. Loving ourselves doesn't mean not losing weight or not changing. Love feels good!...

Winning at weight loss with Mary Welch

February 08, 2021 02:00 - 45 minutes - 31.6 MB

It's interview day! Today I have a special guest all the way from California, USA. Mary Welch. Mary Welch is an oncology nurse practitioner who released 85 pounds using a whole food, anti-inflammatory diet. She was inspired to lose weight after learning that her elevated BMI quadrupled her risk of uterine cancer, the very cancer she treats in her practice. She is now helping clients achieve their weight loss goals through her 6-month coaching program and sharing the message with cancer survi...

Enjoy the process of losing weight

February 01, 2021 02:00 - 17 minutes - 11.8 MB

Many of us don't start losing weight because we don't really enjoy the process. It is boring, hard, restrictive and many time annoying. I get it. I used to think the same, but if you want to lose weight you need to enjoy the process and find ways to make more fun and pleasurable. So, in today's episode I talk about finding ways to enjoy the journey of losing weight by including things that you really enjoy doing. We, humans, avoid doing all things that we don't enjoy, so let's be creative ...

Mind drama

January 25, 2021 02:00 - 17 minutes - 12 MB

Are you having mind drama about your weight, or losing weight? Today's episode I share a new way of thinking about this drama. The brain loves drama and that's normal. But this drama is also holding us back. You make a mistake then you give up, the world is ruined and there is no hope. How about looking into it with different eyes, with neutrality, with no drama? What can you learn from it? What happened? What would you do differently? When we eliminate the drama we can see things more clear...

Thoughts about your weight loss journey

January 18, 2021 02:00 - 17 minutes - 12 MB

How putting a gym floor can relate with weight loss? Well, everything because it's all about our thoughts. Today I am sharing a story that happened yesterday where my fiancé Paul was putting the gym floor in our garage and he got so frustrated and asked for my help. Rubber floors are hard to put it on, but when you think and focus on how hard it is, it actually makes it even worse. We have similar thoughts about our weight loss journey that keep holding us back. It's too hard. I've tried eve...

Change your life in 7 minutes per day

January 11, 2021 02:00 - 22 minutes - 15.2 MB

Today's episode can change your life. As a millennial, I found myself depended of my iPhone, having enormous urges to look at my phone all the time, every 30 seconds almost, until I challenged myself to allow those urges in 7 minutes. I share today how a 7 minute walk from the station to my front door changed everything for me and how you can do the same and change your life too. Feeling urges are not pleasant and it makes us feel somehow out of control. What I'm teaching you today, not only...

Achieve your 2021 weight loss goals

January 04, 2021 02:00 - 20 minutes - 14.2 MB

Happy New Year darling! It's a great time for new opportunities and goals. If you have weight loss in the top of your new year's resolution list, you gotta listen to this episode today. For many years my new year resolution was to lose weight, until it wasn't anymore because I lost the weight and kept it off. So, today's episode I'm sharing 6 tips of how to achieve your weight loss goal for the last time, so next year you can let another area of your life get the opportunity to turn into ...

Decision making

December 28, 2020 02:00 - 9 minutes - 6.86 MB

Decision making is step 4 of my 5 steps to overcome emotional eating. Today I'm sharing a recording from one of my masterclasses I did earlier this year. It's a short and sweet episode but it is super helpful to understand our decision making process when it comes to losing weight and overcome emotional eating. To join the Facebook group, click HERE ______________________________________________ Follow me Instagram Facebook Website Support the show


December 21, 2020 02:00 - 15 minutes - 10.8 MB

Today I am talking about something we don't hear much out there. No diet or nutritionist help you with that. I am talking about shame. There is a lot of shame associated with weight loss. Shame keep us hiding and feeling powerless and worthless, which is the opposite we need to lose weight for good and keep us stuck in emotional eating habits. Shame is a feeling that withdraw motivation. If you're feeling stuck in the shame-blame and can't get out of it. Listen to this episode. Follow me...

What to do when you eat off plan

December 14, 2020 02:00 - 23 minutes - 16 MB

Today I am sharing the work I did this week after eating off plan. When we feel like we are not in control of what we are eating and when there is a lot of self-judgment and frustration, we miss out on the opportunity to learn and move on. There are many thoughts that are in our unconscious mind that we don't acknowledge that they are just thoughts, but they keep creating results we don't want. The episode today is to help you identify these thoughts that causes you to feel like you can't co...

Stop eating your emotions

December 07, 2020 02:00 - 21 minutes - 14.6 MB

When we are emotional eating, we are eating our emotions instead of feeling them. We think we know how to feel feelings, but if you are overeating you probably know how to numb, avoid and resist your feelings. Being overweight and overeating are just symptoms of our emotional life. Nobody taught us how to feel, so when we have emotional pain and negative emotions, we do what we know... and for many of us is using food and overeating. Feeling negative emotions is normal and part of being hu...

Sugar Cravings with Charmaine Platon

November 30, 2020 02:00 - 31 minutes - 21.5 MB

Today I have a special guest, Charmaine Platon, she is a "Sugar Cravings Coach", Certified Life & Weight Loss Coach, and was a Psychiatric Registered Nurse at UCLA for 8 years. She is the creator of "Sugar-Free Self-Care", and is an expert at managing food cravings. Charmaine teaches people how to de-condition their cravings in 4 simple steps so they can lose weight for the last time. Years ago, Charmaine was pre-diabetic even though she was in the best physical fitness and shape of her life...

Lose weight without willpower

November 23, 2020 02:00 - 19 minutes - 13.3 MB

We were conditioned to believe that we can only lose weight if we have a lot of willpower, and if you don't have willpower, you are going to be always overweight. But I say that is not true. Actually, you don't need willpower to lose weight at all. In today's episode, I bring to the surface thoughts and belief system that creates an over desire to overeat. Over desire to overeat creates an overweight body, because we eat more than our body is required. Will power won't solve the problem. But...

Break the cycle of emotional eating

November 16, 2020 02:00 - 17 minutes - 11.7 MB

Feeling stuck in the cycle of emotional eating? Today's episode I talk about hoe to break the cycle after the binge/overeat. As humans we have a desire to improve, to do better, so to break the cycle of emotional eating, we also need to break the cycle of how we talk to ourselves. The way you talk to yourself after an overeat will either set up for failure or success. Learn today how to change that and ask yourself good questions to learn from your overeats and move on. Here are the questio...

The guest house

November 09, 2020 02:00 - 12 minutes - 8.9 MB

Today’s episode is short and sweet. When we’re living our lives in this world, we forget that we are humans, having a human experience. The human experience is not only positive and good all the time where you are happy and doesn't have negative emotions. The human experience is 50/50 and when we drop the judgment and let them in, it's temporary. I shared a poem from Rumi called: The Guest House (Read here) and meditate on the words. Listen to this episode and be a human that have a platter...


November 02, 2020 02:00 - 25 minutes - 17.5 MB

Have you been overeating because of anxiety? Do you feel like you're out of control? Are you annoyed for feeling anxious all the time? All you want is to get rid of it, right? But I have breaking news: We can't get rid of anxiety. On this episode you will learn: What anxiety is, how we create anxiety, how our brain works and why we will never get rid of it. Disclaimer: This is based on my own experiences and knowledge and it's not to replace any medical advice. If you struggle with sever...

Why are feelings important to lose weight?

October 26, 2020 02:00 - 16 minutes - 11.6 MB

Losing weight is not all about what you eat and how much you exercise. Feelings and thoughts are the key to create a long lasting weight loss and that's what I'm talking about today. Using the coaching model, we learn that our thoughts create feelings, feelings drive actions and actions create results. If you want a result of weight loss, you not only need to look at your actions, but what feelings are driving them. When we only think about changing what you do or don't do, we usually create...

How to stop quitting

October 19, 2020 01:00 - 21 minutes - 15.1 MB

Do you catch yourself quitting on your weight loss journey? Are you not seeing results despite of the efforts you think you do? Are you often giving in to cravings and urges? That might mean that you are either quitting completely or micro quitting. In today's episode I want to help you be aware of any micro quitting you might be doing that is slowing down your progress. There are 2 types of quitting: - Macro quitting - Micro quitting Quitting is the easiest thing you can do, but quitting ...

Stop letting food boss you around

October 12, 2020 01:00 - 27 minutes - 19.1 MB

Today I have another treat for you. In November 2019 I did a webinar to help women stop letting food boss them around. When we are constantly overeating and trying to lose weight, we feel like food is taking control over our lives and we can't do anything about it. On this episode, I show you how we can stop overeating, lose weight and feel in control again... I explain about the over desire we have for food that keeps us coming back for more and the over hunger that makes it hard to stop e...

First step to overcome emotional eating

October 05, 2020 01:00 - 15 minutes - 10.9 MB

Today I want to share with you the first step out of 5 to overcome emotional eating. This is a snapshot of my masterclass that I've been doing since end of May 2020. I separated the first step into 5 categories: Hunger, body, thoughts, feelings and food. It's no secret that we need to pay attention to what's going on in our bodies, but know how to and have the tools to do so can turn this work much easier. So, listen up and if you like and enjoy leave me a rate and review on apple podcast,...

Weight gain and buffering

September 28, 2020 01:00 - 19 minutes - 13.8 MB

When we believe that the circumstances makes us feel negative emotions, we also believe that external things, like food, can make us feel better. That put us in a disempower place and out of control in our on life. That's what buffering is, using external things to make us feel better internally and that keeps creating negative results, like weight gain. To stop buffering, we first learn how our thoughts is what create our feelings, not the circumstances, so nothing outside of us can make u...

Navigating through emotions with Mariana Favero Bonesso

September 21, 2020 01:00 - 33 minutes - 22.8 MB

Today our special guest is a fellow Brazilian life and weight loss coach Mariana Favero Bonesso. Mariana shares her story in how she became a coach by experiencing a loss and how that helped her help people. She helps women to stop anxiety eating and never diet again. On this episode, we talk about emotions and how we can navigate through them without having to use food. It is a great episode if you have been struggling with emotional eating and wants to make a change. You can follow Maria...

Losing weight fast

September 14, 2020 01:00 - 20 minutes - 13.8 MB

Do you want to lose weight fast? A lot of people want to lose weight as fast as possible, and most of them don't even know why. But if we take a minute to question why we want it so badly we'll see that the only reason we want to lose weight fast is to feel better. Of course, there is the physical feeling better part, but most people say: I want to feel more confident, happier, beautiful, worthy. These are feelings that we can create with our minds and not our bodies. Everything we do a...

4 Types of Eating

September 07, 2020 01:00 - 12 minutes - 8.66 MB

Today I'm teaching one of the first awareness tools I teach my clients, the 4 types of eating. Every time you're going to eat you can categorise in one of these 4 types. It will bring you awareness and knowledge and it will help you make decisions to meet your weight loss goals. It's simple, but powerful. Listen now. ------------- Join me on the next Free Masterclass - 5 Steps to Overcome Emotional Eating It's on the 17th September at 8pm UK time - Register for Free HERE Join my Facebook G...

How to stop an urge

August 31, 2020 01:00 - 25 minutes - 17.4 MB

In the last episode I explained what an urge is and how you can see it differently. Today's episode I want to teach you how you can stop an urge. I have this amazing tool called 90-second power pause and I teach it so you can delay the automated reaction we have to grab the food without even thinking about it. We need to interrupt the habit, the neural pathway and start creating a new one where it support your weight goals. To download the worksheet with the questions, the 90-second power...


August 24, 2020 01:00 - 20 minutes - 13.9 MB

Today's episode is all about urges. You can also call it cravings or desire. When we get stuck on that vicious circle of emotional eating where you can't seem to break it, usually is because you are constantly giving in to urges. Urges is a strong desire for something, in our case, food. The secret to break the vicious circle of emotional eating is the willingness to feel discomfort. In the end of the day, there is no way around the discomfort. We're either feeling it now or later, you jus...

Weight loss and belief systems - Part 3

August 17, 2020 01:00 - 13 minutes - 9.05 MB

Last part of the 3 part series on weight loss and belief systems. Today's belief is another one that we think so many times that all we can see is evidence that prove that true. Let me say here too... there is nothing wrong with you! Listen to today's episode and find out how to stop thinking that there's something wrong with you that's why you can't lose weight. Follow me on... Facebook Instagram Website Support the show

Weight loss and belief systems - Part 2

August 10, 2020 01:00 - 10 minutes - 7.28 MB

Today's part 2 out of 3 of weight loss and belief systems. We're talking about the top 3 beliefs that might be in the way to your weight loss to happen successfully. The belief today is so common that think that in every area of our lives, not only to lose weight. "I don't have time" I think it's one of the beliefs that people say and think all the time sue to how our society has changed. But thinking that, doesn't create more time for you to plan your food. Listen to today's episode to fi...

Weight loss and belief systems - Part 1

August 03, 2020 01:00 - 17 minutes - 11.9 MB

This is a 3 part series about belief system related to weight loss. I picked the top 3 beliefs that most people have when they want to lose weight and what is holding them back for not being successful. We think that what we are is a fixed and we can't ever change. But beliefs are optional and we get to choose what we believe about ourselves all the time. So let's explore the 3 beliefs that you might have and see if it's serving you to help you lose weight for good. Join the free masterclas...

Fear and doubt

July 27, 2020 01:00 - 21 minutes - 14.9 MB

Today's episode is about feeling fear and doubt when you want to lose weight. It's very normal to look back on all the diets and times we've tried to lose weight and have failed. That's because the brain wants to protect you. Every time you want to do something you never done before, your brain will say no, because it's just trying to keep you safe. But fear and doubt don't mean stop or don't do it. We need to go through the fear if want to get what we want most, lose weight. Feel fear and...

Changing the language about food

July 20, 2020 01:00 - 19 minutes - 13.7 MB

Today's episode is a recording of a live training I did on my Facebook Group during the 7-day Sugar Free Challenge that I ran from 9 to 15 July 2020. Our brains are conditioned to think all or nothing. The diet industry has brainwashed us to think about food in a way that is not serving us at all. But there is one small shift I want to teach you so you can be aware and change everything for you. It's one word. One simple change of language, makes such a big difference in how we think about ...

Ending the war with food, body and mind with Renae Saager

July 13, 2020 01:00 - 38 minutes - 26.7 MB

Every 10th Episode I'm bringing an expert to talk about all things weight loss, emotional eating, mental health, nutrition and coaching. Today my guest is Renae Saager, she is certified health & life coach and emotional eating expert who teaches women around the world how to start living a powerful, authentic life free from food and weight obsession. Tapping into her own unique journey with disordered eating and alcoholism, Renae connects with her clients on a deeper level, supporting them t...

Weight Loss Goal

July 06, 2020 01:00 - 24 minutes - 17 MB

Today's episode is linked to the last one, episode 18. So make sure you listen to both. Many of us don't set weight loss goals because we are so afraid of failure. But goals is what make us focused and actually do something to change. When you don't set goals and don't take action, you're failing ahead of time. Listen to the way I like to set goals, and how that can help you to delay gratification and increasing the chances to lose weight and hit your goals. I invite you to join my 7-Day Su...


June 29, 2020 01:00 - 24 minutes - 16.7 MB

Losing weight is all about delaying gratification, delaying pleasure. Every time we want instant pleasure coming from food, we are overeating and possibly gaining weight because of the types of food we eat. On today's episode, I explain the difference between instant gratification, and delaying gratification to lose weight for good. The role that dopamine plays around feeling good and the desire that we create with our thoughts. Reference of the episode today: Episode 6: Feel it, don't eat ...

Hunger Hormones

June 22, 2020 01:00 - 25 minutes - 17.3 MB

Today's episode will be different the the last 16. We're talking hormones. Understanding how our hunger hormones work is key to a successful weight loss. Many of us don't even know why they can't stop eating and even though there is a lot related to our thoughts and feelings, the body is an amazing "machine" and can help you lose weight if you have balanced hormones. Today we talked about leptin, ghrelin and insulin. Leptin is the satiety hormone, it sends signal to the brain to say that you...

Why do we self-sabotage

June 15, 2020 01:00 - 18 minutes - 13 MB

This week on my facebook group I posted: To lose weight, all I need to know is..... And I let the member fill the blank.  One of the members asked me why we self-sabotage, and the best way to explain was through a FB live. So I decided to share this facebook live with my listeners too. We self-sabotage because we don't take responsibility of the results we have and we blame everyone and everything for ruining our weight loss goals. So all we need to do to stop self-sabotage is to take our po...

How to trust yourself around food

June 08, 2020 01:00 - 21 minutes - 14.8 MB

Today's episode is a special one. My free masterclass was on Saturday 06/06 and I decided to take a fraction of it and share with you. My masterclass is about my 5 steps to overcome emotional eating and today I want to share a piece of step 2, relationship with yourself. I have received a very good question on the call and I know a lot of people deal with the same issue when losing weight around family and friends when all they want is to feed you. So I answer the question on the call and ho...

4 basics to lose weight

June 01, 2020 01:00 - 18 minutes - 12.5 MB

On this episode I share 4 basic things we need to do to start losing weight and overcome emotional eating. This 4 basics are part of my step 2 of my 5 step process to overcome emotional eating. They will stimulate your human brain to help you achieve your weight loss goals and keep it off. Tune in and learn the 4 basics to lose weight now Join my Facebook group;  https://www.facebook.com/groups/overcomeemotionaleatingpodcast/ Register for the FREE Masterclass 5 Steps to Overcome Emotional ...

Hunger Scale

May 25, 2020 01:00 - 17 minutes - 11.7 MB

Join me on this tool I teach all my clients on their first session with me. The hunger scale is a cool tool to be aware of your physical hunger. If you are overeating, you need to learn this tool and use on your daily life. If you missed the masterclass, you have another opportunity to join the 5 steps to overcome emotional eating. Register for free here http://www.pamellaarnold.com/masterclass Join the Facebook group here Facebook Instagram Website Support the show

Bonus - Free Masterclass

May 20, 2020 16:00 - 1 minute - 1.01 MB

Register for the Free Masterclass HERE - 4 Steps to Overcome Emotional Eating. Join us this Sunday 24th May at 6pm BST Support the show (https://paypal.me/pamellaarnoldpodcast?locale.x=en_GB)

Emotional hunger vs Physical hunger

May 18, 2020 01:00 - 15 minutes - 11 MB

Today's episode is about identifying the 2 types of hunger we have. Emotional hunger vs physical hunger We only need to eat when we're physically hungry if you want to lose weight and keep the weight off. Emotional hunger has a lot of emotions attached to it an leads to overeating, always! I'm teaching you how to identifying the different between them, so you can only eat when you're physically hungry. Let's connect by joining my Facebook Group HERE Facebook page Instagram Website Support ...

Twitter Mentions

@katiewcoaching 1 Episode