Previous Episode: Weight Loss Goal

Every 10th Episode I'm bringing an expert to talk about all things weight loss, emotional eating, mental health, nutrition and coaching.
Today my guest is Renae Saager, she is certified health & life coach and emotional eating expert who teaches women around the world how to start living a powerful, authentic life free from food and weight obsession. Tapping into her own unique journey with disordered eating and alcoholism, Renae connects with her clients on a deeper level, supporting them through the process of rewiring their brain with her no-BS approach. Through this serious work, Renae is able to help clients challenge their mindset and begin healing, using her own sense of humour and unparalleled perspective which creates a more enjoyable and transformational process. Undoing the crazy you feel around food is Renae's specialty, the confidence and clarity gained is the guilt free icing on the cake. Renae has been featured on several podcasts. She received her certifications through the Health Coach Institute and The Life Coach School and received her Bachelors degree in Social Science from Portland State University.

She shared her extraordinary story of eating disorder and alcoholism and how she now help women to do the same. She also share her top tip in the end of the episode that you can't miss it.

Renae contact:

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