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Answers with Ken Ham

890 episodes - English - Latest episode: 6 days ago - ★★★★★ - 324 ratings

Ken Ham is president of Answers in Genesis and cofounder of the 75,000-square-foot Creation Museum. This daily, 60-second audio program is also broadcast on over 950 radio stations.

Christianity Religion & Spirituality Science history creationism creation museum evolution science ken ham answers genesis
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Was or Became?

June 25, 2020 10:00

We’re looking at the idea that there’s a supposed gap of millions of years between Genesis chapter one, verses one and two.

For in Six Days . . .

June 23, 2020 10:00

In the nineteenth century, some Christian leaders suggested Genesis chapter one has a gap between verses one and two. These are attempts to fit man’s ideas into God’s Word. God’s the authority.

A Gap in Genesis?

June 22, 2020 10:00

In the nineteenth century, some Christian leaders suggested Genesis chapter one has a gap between verses one and two. These are attempts to fit man’s ideas into God’s Word. God’s the authority.

Happy Father’s Day!

June 19, 2020 10:00

It’s almost Father’s Day, when we honor and remember our fathers. My own father was a godly man, and I’m forever thankful for his legacy!

Beetles—Designed by God

June 18, 2020 10:00

We learned about a creation scientist who studied a tiny insect, the bombardier beetle. He was told by evolutionists to forget it because the beetle was still evolving.

Evolutionists—They Missed It!

June 17, 2020 10:00

We often hear that a belief in Genesis creation holds back science. But that’s simply not true! Here’s an example.

The Bible and the Coronavirus

June 16, 2020 10:00

As we consider the tragedy of the Coronavirus, how do Christians explain why we have disease, suffering, and death? Let’s continue to search God’s Word … for answers.

God . . . and the Coronavirus

June 12, 2020 10:00

Years ago I wrote a book on why God permits disease and death. Now, the issue of death and suffering has been one of the most-asked questions we receive here.

Logic—Possible Because God Exists

June 12, 2020 10:00

You’ve probably heard someone say that the Bible can’t be true because it’s full of contradictions. But this is a bad argument! You see, the Bible teaches that all truth is in God.

Reading the Whole Bible

June 11, 2020 10:00

All this week we’ve been talking about supposed contradictions in the Bible. Yesterday we learned that verses need to be understood within the context of the verses around them.

Context Is Key!

June 10, 2020 10:00

What’s the most important rule in interpreting the Bible properly? Context! You can’t just grab one verse and ignore all the other around it.

Do Miracles Show the Bible’s Not True?

June 09, 2020 10:00

Some people say since there’re miracles in the Bible, it’s obviously not true. Just the stuff of legends, they say. But this is circular reasoning.

Are There Contradictions in the Bible?

June 08, 2020 10:00

Has someone ever told you they couldn’t trust the Bible because it’s full of contradictions? There are no contradictions in the Bible.

Magnetic Fields and a Young Universe

June 05, 2020 10:00

Our earth is surrounded by an invisible magnetic field. It protects us from harmful radiation from the sun. But our magnetic field is decaying. Each year it gets a tiny bit weaker.

Short-Lived Comets!

June 04, 2020 10:00

A comet is a ball of gas and dust. Now as it passes close to the sun, solar radiation blasts away part of the comet. It leaves a beautiful tail behind it.

Carbon . . . in Diamonds?

June 03, 2020 10:00

Scientists have found carbon fourteen in diamonds. Now, carbon fourteen decays quickly. After fifty thousand years, it would be almost undetectable.

Blue Stars Still Shine!

June 02, 2020 10:00

Our universe is full of billions of stars—an untold number. And these stars aren’t all alike; they’re many different kinds. One kind are called blue stars.

How Old Is the Universe Really?

June 01, 2020 10:00

Genesis one tells us God created everything in six days. Because of the context, we know these were literal, twenty-four-hour days.

Rapidly Deposited Sand Waves

May 29, 2020 10:00

If you’ve ever been to the Grand Canyon, you probably saw a light-brown rock layer. This is called the Coconino Sandstone. As the name suggests, it was created by sand cemented together.

Rock Layers . . . Across Continents?

May 28, 2020 10:00

The Bible tells us there was a worldwide flood. Now, such a catastrophic event would’ve left a huge mark on the earth. And it did! entire earth was covered with water.

Slow and Gradual . . . Rapid Burial?

May 27, 2020 10:00

If you ask an evolutionist how to make a fossil, they’ll probably say slowly over long periods of time. But it doesn’t! Creatures were all buried very quickly!

Slow and Gradual or Rapid Burial?

May 27, 2020 10:00

If you ask an evolutionist how to make a fossil, they’ll probably say slowly over long periods of time. But it doesn’t! Creatures were all buried very quickly!

Thankful for Freedom

May 25, 2020 10:00

Today is Memorial Day here in the United States. And I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of those listening who have served—and are serving—in the military.

Is Radiometric Dating Reliable?

May 22, 2020 10:00

Today is what’s known as “Ascension Day.” It’s been forty days since Easter so on this day, we remember Christ’s ascension into heaven.

Jesus, the Eternal God

May 21, 2020 10:00

Today is what’s known as “Ascension Day.” It’s been forty days since Easter so on this day, we remember Christ’s ascension into heaven.

Do We Go Through a Lizard Stage?

May 20, 2020 10:00

I was taught in school that, as a baby develops in the mother’s womb, the baby goes through stages that reflect its evolutionary past.

Did Darwin’s Finches Evolve?

May 19, 2020 10:00

If you ask for evidence of evolution, you’ll probably hear about the finches on the Galapagos Islands. These small changes are often taught as examples of evolution.

The Peppered Moth Fraud

May 18, 2020 10:00

There are light, dark, and in-between shades of the peppered moth isn’t evolution! It’s just natural selection. The variety of moth color was already there.

The Gospel, Grounded in Genesis

May 15, 2020 10:00

Many Christians treat Genesis as if it’s just a secondary book of the Bible. But it’s not! It’s foundational! The gospel itself is grounded in a literal Genesis.

Created in God’s Image

May 14, 2020 10:00

Genesis is the foundation of every major Christian doctrine. It’s the foundation for why we need a Savior, why we’re one race, why marriage is for one man for and one woman.

The Answer to Racism

May 13, 2020 10:00

Many people see creation versus evolution as just a side issue. But what you believe about Genesis matters.Genesis teaches that God created two people, and from them came all the nations.

Genesis—Foundational for Marriage

May 12, 2020 10:00

It’s God’s institution. And he ordained marriage as between one man and one woman. We don’t get to define marriage. God does.

Genesis—A Foundational Issue!

May 11, 2020 10:00

Many people see creation versus evolution as just a side issue. But what you believe about Genesis matters.

It’s Almost Mother’s Day!

May 08, 2020 10:00

Mother’s Day is Sunday. It’s a day set aside to thank them for everything they do. I’m thankful for my late mother. She had such a godly influence on my life.

Lifting Up Our Nation Before God

May 07, 2020 10:00

Today is the National Day of Prayer in America. Now, that’s a day dedicated to praying for this nation and some of the big issues of our day.

Death . . . Before Sin?

May 06, 2020 10:00

Many Christians believe that God could’ve used millions of years to create the world. But many haven’t thought through what this actually means.

“For in Six Days”

May 05, 2020 10:00

Millions of years don’t come from the Bible. They’re from outside the Bible. We should never reinterpret God’s Word because of something outside the Bible.

The Gospel—Hope for All

May 01, 2020 10:00

What do those in the LGBT community need? Our culture says they need more celebration of their lifestyle … more representation in the media and better support.

Our Feet, Firmly Planted in God’s Word

April 30, 2020 10:00

Western culture has been radically changed by the sexual revolution. And it’s not done yet! Homosexuality behavior and transgender were just the beginning.

Male and Female He Created Them

April 28, 2020 10:00

Our culture is trying to erase the distinctions of male and female. It’s popular today to say that male and female don’t really exist.

The Absolute Standard

April 27, 2020 10:00

Think about it. How do we decide what’s right and what’s wrong? Well, our culture decides based on opinion.

Failed Apocalyptic Predictions!

April 24, 2020 10:00

Many people, particularly young people, are describing anxiety about the climate and the future of the planet. But I want to encourage these people—look at history.

Should We Jump on the Climate Change Bandwagon?

April 23, 2020 10:00

Many scientists are calling for population control. They want free access to things like abortion as a way of reducing the human population.

It’s Earth Day

April 22, 2020 10:00

Today many people will celebrate Earth Day. We’ve been placed by God as stewards over his creation... to care for it, using it for our good … and God’s glory.

Beliefs Have Consequences

April 21, 2020 10:00

It’s only because of a belief in an old earth, particularly the idea that the ice cores are old, that we get these ideas about man-made climate change.

Resting in God’s Promises

April 20, 2020 10:00

Many people are reporting anxiety and depression about the climate … and the future of the world. But is this the attitude we should have?

Are Birds Actually Dinosaurs?

April 17, 2020 10:00

It’s popular today for evolutionists to say that dinosaurs didn’t really go extinct—they just evolved into birds.

Dinosaurs . . . and Man?

April 16, 2020 10:00

Dinosaurs were created on day six, alongside man. Now, if dinosaurs and man lived together, we’d expect there to be some evidence. And there is! Lots.

Where Did the Dinosaurs Go?

April 15, 2020 10:00

We’ve learned that God created dinosaurs on day six, alongside man. And two of every dinosaur kind survived the flood on the ark. So what happened to them?

Dinosaurs . . . on the Ark?

April 14, 2020 10:00

Noah was told to take two of every kind of land dwelling, air-breathing animal on the ark. Does that mean dinosaurs? Yes! They’re land animals, after all.


The New Testament
1 Episode