Previous Episode: Dinosaurs . . . on the Ark?
Next Episode: Dinosaurs . . . and Man?

We’ve learned that God created dinosaurs on day six, alongside man. And two of every dinosaur kind survived the flood on the ark. So what happened to them?

This is Ken Ham, encouraging all churches to start their thinking with God’s Word.

This week we’ve learned that God created dinosaurs on day six, alongside man. And two of every dinosaur kind survived the flood on the ark. So what happened to them?

Well, it’s not really a big mystery. Thousands of species today are at risk of going extinct.

Now, usually, extinction occurs because of over-hunting … loss of habitat … or climates changing. It’s likely dinosaurs died out for the same reasons. People probably killed many of them—after all, who wants a stegosaurus crushing a grain harvest or … a T. Rex terrorizing your sheep?

And after the flood, well, the climate changed dramatically.

Dinosaurs aren’t a mystery.

Dig Deeper

What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs? The Ark’s Dinosaurs