Today is Memorial Day here in the United States. And I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of those listening who have served—and are serving—in the military.

This is Ken Ham, an Aussie transplant with a passion for sharing the truth of God’s Word.

Today is Memorial Day here in the United States. And I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of those listening who have served—and are serving—in the military, as well as their families. We appreciate your sacrifice!

Now, even though religious freedom is under attack in this nation, we still enjoy so much freedom. And we’re grateful to you and the Lord for that.

And I hope that everyone listening knows that true and ultimate freedom isn’t found in America. It’s found in Christ, through his sacrifice for us on the cross. Apart from Christ, we’re slaves to sin. But if we repent and believe in Christ, we’re new creations and freed from sin.

Yes, what a glorious freedom!

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