If you ask an evolutionist how to make a fossil, they’ll probably say slowly over long periods of time. But it doesn’t! Creatures were all buried very quickly!

This is Ken Ham, CEO of the global apologetics ministry of Answers in Genesis.

If you ask an evolutionist how to make a fossil, they’ll probably say slowly over long periods of time. But it doesn’t! They’ve found petrified teddy bears, miner’s hats, and even ham! Obviously, that fossilization didn’t take long ages!

And in the fossil record we’ve found fish fossilized while swimming in a school … or eating their lunch. We’ve seen marine reptiles fossilized while giving birth … and even trilobites all marching along together. Clearly, these creatures were all buried very quickly!

When we start with God’s Word, these fossil finds make sense. Noah’s flood would’ve ripped up miles of sediment and redeposited it. Creatures were rapidly buried.

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