Previous Episode: Death . . . Before Sin?

Today is the National Day of Prayer in America. Now, that’s a day dedicated to praying for this nation and some of the big issues of our day.

This is Ken Ham, on a mission to call the church back to God’s Word and the gospel.

Today is the National Day of Prayer in America. Now, that’s a day dedicated to praying for this nation and some of the big issues of our day. I encourage you to take time today to pray for America … and its leaders.

Here are three things to pray for:

One. Pray that our religious freedoms will be preserved, as they’re increasingly under attack.

Two. Pray that leaders will pass legislation that protects the sanctity of all human life.
Finally, pray that God will bring a reformation in churches across America, so that they’ll stand boldly on the authority of God’s Word.

I hope you’ll join hundreds of thousands of other Christians today to lift up America before our Heavenly Father.

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Prayer and the Trinity One Power of Prayer