Today is what’s known as “Ascension Day.” It’s been forty days since Easter so on this day, we remember Christ’s ascension into heaven.

This is Ken Ham, on a mission to call the church back to God’s Word and the gospel.

Today is what’s known as “Ascension Day.” It’s been forty days since Easter so on this day, we remember Christ’s ascension into heaven.

Many people think of Christ as the babe in the manger and the one who died on the Cross and rose again. And that’s true. But Christ is the eternal God. He existed in eternity past and into eternity future.

Jesus told the religious leaders of his day that “before Abraham was, I AM.” That was Jesus declaring he was the eternal God.

Jesus is now in heaven. But someday he’ll return, and he’ll create a new heavens and a new earth.

The Bible tells us we should be ready for his return.

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