Many people are reporting anxiety and depression about the climate … and the future of the world. But is this the attitude we should have?

This is Ken Ham, whose ministry has produced the family friendly Answers Bible Curriculum.

This week we’re going to look at the climate hysteria sweeping the world, particularly among young people. Many of them are reporting anxiety and depression about the climate … and the future of the world. But is this the attitude we should have?

Well, as Christians we know two things. One, we’re placed here as stewards. We’re to care for earth, using it for our good … and God’s glory.

And two, God has made certain promises. He promised that summer and winter, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat will always continue until Jesus returns. We have God’s promise that earth isn’t going to be ruined because of climate change!

So, there’s no need for hysteria.

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Should Christians Save the Rhinos? Should We Take Care of the Earth?