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It’s only because of a belief in an old earth, particularly the idea that the ice cores are old, that we get these ideas about man-made climate change.

This is Ken Ham, a missionary to our evolutionized culture … and even to the church.

What you believe about the past has consequences. You see, the so-called modern climate-change “emergency” is based in evolutionary ideas. It’s only because of a belief in an old earth, particularly the idea that the ice cores are old, that we get these ideas about man-made climate change.

When we start with God’s Word, we’ve a different view of history. God created the original climate, and the global flood radically effected it—even causing an ice age after the flood.

Yes, there are many environmental concerns that Christians should be addressing as stewards of creation. But the idea of catastrophic man-made climate change … well, it comes from a wrong worldview.

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Disagreements on Climate Change Earth Day—A Christian Perspective