Today many people will celebrate Earth Day. We’ve been placed by God as stewards over his creation... to care for it, using it for our good … and God’s glory.

This is Ken Ham, author, speaker, and blogger on why we can trust the Bible!

Today many people will celebrate Earth Day. Now, it’s not a bad thing to have a day set aside to encourage others to care for our planet. After all, we’ve been placed by God as stewards over his creation. We’re to care for it, using it for our good … and God’s glory.

So what’s the problem with Earth Day? Well, it often turns into a worship of our supposed “Mother Earth.” Many environmentalists place earth, animals, and plants above people. They act as if we’re a blight on the planet. Really, they’re practicing paganism … and worshipping the earth, instead of worshipping God.

Yes, we should care for earth. But we should recognize man was given dominion over creation.

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Earth Day and Creation Earth Day—A Christian Perspective