Our universe is full of billions of stars—an untold number. And these stars aren’t all alike; they’re many different kinds. One kind are called blue stars.

This is Ken Ham, CEO of the Noah’s Ark attraction, the Ark Encounter, south of Cincinnati.

Our universe is full of billions of stars—an untold number. And these stars aren’t all alike; they’re many different kinds. One kind are called blue stars. Now, these are very hot stars … and they burn through their fuel very quickly. They could only last a few million years, at most.

Yet our universe is full of brilliant blue stars. We find them in our own galaxy … and far away. This fact isn’t a problem in a biblical worldview—the universe is only about six thousand years old.

But this is a big problem for the evolutionary worldview. They must assume blue stars have all formed recently … but we never observe stars forming!

Indeed, the heavens declare a young universe!

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Blue Stars New Stars in Bright Blue Galaxy?