As we consider the tragedy of the Coronavirus, how do Christians explain why we have disease, suffering, and death? Let’s continue to search God’s Word … for answers.

This is Ken Ham, author of a book on why God allows disease, death and suffering.

As we consider the tragedy of the Coronavirus, how do Christians explain why we have disease, suffering, and death?

Yesterday, I said we live in a cursed, fallen world. It’s NOT the original world God created.

Second, I think of Job … and all the terrible things he endured. God reminded Job of who God is—the Creator, who’s in charge of all things.

Job’s response needs to be ours. He said: I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.

God knows all things. But, our fallible, fallen brain can’t. His purposes can’t be fully comprehended.

But let’s continue to search God’s Word … for answers.

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How Could a Loving God ... ? How Could a Loving God Allow It?