Previous Episode: Reading the Whole Bible

Years ago I wrote a book on why God permits disease and death. Now, the issue of death and suffering has been one of the most-asked questions we receive here.

This is Ken Ham, with biblical answers on why God allows disease … suffering … and death.

Years ago I wrote a book on why God permits disease and death. It was after the 9/11 terrorist attacks … and a death in my family.

Now, the issue of death and suffering has been one of the most-asked questions we receive here. With the massive coronavirus outbreak, it continues.

Now, we need to understand that we live in a cursed, fallen world. It’s NOT the world God originally created. In Genesis 1, we read of a perfect creation -- where there was no death.

Then according to Genesis 3, death came due to Adam’s disobedience.

So, let’s not blame God for the world’s ills, including a terrible virus. Let’s look at our own sin in Adam.

I’ll share more tomorrow …

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Death, Suffering, and Coronavirus Suffering & Death