Many people, particularly young people, are describing anxiety about the climate and the future of the planet. But I want to encourage these people—look at history.

This is Ken Ham, co-author of the book on Noah’s Flood called A Flood of Evidence.

Many people, particularly young people, are describing anxiety about the climate and the future of the planet. But I want to encourage these people—look at history.

Historical records tell us people used to be able to farm on Greenland—you can’t do that anymore! Places that used to be along the coast are now far from it. Climates and coasts have changed throughout history.

And apocalyptic climate predictions have been made for decades now. Scientists have warned about too many people, not enough resources, and more. But none of their predictions have come true!

We don’t need to freak out. A look at history tells us to continue caring for the earth…sensibly.

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