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It’s God’s institution. And he ordained marriage as between one man and one woman. We don’t get to define marriage. God does.

This is Ken Ham, author of the books The Dinosaurs of Eden
and D is for Dinosaur.

What is marriage? Well, according to many in our culture, it’s a union of two people. But why two?

Well, that comes from the Bible! You see, the foundation for marriage is in Genesis. Marriage ultimately isn’t a government institution … or a social or cultural one. It’s God’s institution. And he ordained marriage as between one man and one woman. We don’t get to define marriage. God does.

Many people don’t think what we believe about Genesis matters. But it does! You see, marriage is grounded in Genesis. Without the history in Genesis, there’s no foundation for marriage. But when we start with God’s Word, we have the right foundation.

Dig Deeper

Why “Biblical Marriage,” Not “Traditional Marriage”? A Foundation of Scripture