Our culture is trying to erase the distinctions of male and female. It’s popular today to say that male and female don’t really exist.

This is Ken Ham, on a mission to strengthen the global church with God’s Word.

Our culture is trying to erase the distinctions of male and female. It’s popular today to say that male and female don’t really exist. They’re social constructs, they’ll say, and we can be whatever we want.

But God has created us male and female. It’s a truth that’s obvious from biology—and was well accepted until the last few years.

Men can’t be women, and women can’t be men. God created and ordained gender. We don’t have the authority to redefine what God has created.

Some people do struggle with this problem. So for those who do, they need the truth from God’s Word and the life-giving gospel.

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Transgender Identity—Wishing Away God’s Design The Bible and Sexuality—Practical Answers for Today’s World