Previous Episode: A Gap in Genesis?
Next Episode: Was or Became?

In the nineteenth century, some Christian leaders suggested Genesis chapter one has a gap between verses one and two. These are attempts to fit man’s ideas into God’s Word. God’s the authority.

This is Ken Ham, an editor of the popular exposé of evolutionary ideas called Glass House.

Some Christians believe there’s a gap of time between the first two verses of Genesis. Now, this belief comes from an attempt to fit millions of years into the Bible.

But does it work?

Well, consider what Exodus says. When God was giving The Ten Commandments, he said to work for six days and rest for one. Why? Well, because it mirrors his creative work. God explains, “For in six days the Lord made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and all that is in them.”

God created in six days and rested for one.

This means there’s no room for a gap!

Genesis and Exodus are both clear—God created in only six days.

We should never reinterpret God’s clear Word.

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Closing the Gap Modified Gap Theory