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Precepts Audio

166 episodes - English - Latest episode: 3 months ago - ★★★★★ - 3 ratings

Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth

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Matthew 23:25-39

April 04, 2021 18:06 - 22.8 MB

PA411 Matthew 23:25-39 mp3 Matthew Series 52 In this message, the Lord completes His last three woes against the scribes and Pharisees, those hypocrites. He is sending them prophets, wise men, and scribes, and they will persecute them, scourge them, kill them, and crucify them. The blood of all the righteous blood shed on the […]

Matthew 23:1-24

April 04, 2021 17:40 - 23.1 MB

PA410 Matthew 23:1-24 mp3 Matthew Series 51 In this message, the Lord tears aside the veil of the scribes’ and Pharisees’ hypocrisy, and reveals the arrogant and self-promoting things they did to be seen of men, rather than to honor God. He proclaims eight woes upon them, which correspond to the eight beatitudes that He […]

Matthew 22:31-45

April 04, 2021 17:23

PA409 Matthew 22:31-45 mp3 Matthew Series 50 In this message, we continue considering the Lord’s answer to the Sadducee’s argument against resurrection using multiple marriages. He explains why they were most mistaken, and the Torah proves that there must be resurrection. A lawyer of the Pharisees asks Him which is the greatest commandment in the […]

Matthew 22:15-30

April 04, 2021 17:07 - 20.1 MB

PA408 Matthew 22:15-30 mp3 Matthew Series 49 In this message, the Pharisees send their disciples with Herod’s partisans to try to entangle the Lord in something He says. They ask Him if it is lawful to pay tribute to Caesar or not, figuring whichever way He answers they can condemn Him. However, He not only […]

Matthew 22:1-14

January 24, 2021 22:02 - 20.8 MB

PA407 Matthew 22:1-14 mp3 Matthew Series 48 In this message, the Lord tells a parable of a king who planned a marriage celebration for his son. The invited guests, however, thought nothing of it and did not come. Others even seized his messengers with the invitation, mocked them, and killed them. The king sent his […]

Matthew 21:33-43

January 24, 2021 21:56 - 15.3 MB

PA406 Matthew 21:33-43 mp3 Matthew Series 47 In this message, the Lord continues His confrontation with the chief priests and elders by telling a parable about a householder and his vineyard. He lets it out to vineyard keepers, with an agreement that they will give him a certain portion of the produce, then leaves for […]

Matthew 21:20-32

January 24, 2021 21:49 - 16.2 MB

PA405 Matthew 21:20-32 mp3 Matthew Series 46 In this message, the disciples wonder about the withering of the fig tree, and the Lord tells them that with faith they can have accomplished for them whatever they ask believing, even moving mountains into the sea. What did the Lord mean? Why does this not seem to […]

Matthew 21:1-19

November 22, 2020 21:19 - 22.6 MB

PA404 Matthew 21:1-19 mp3 Matthew Series 45 In this message, the Lord sends two disciples to bring a donkey and her colt to Him. Then, He rides these two animals into Jerusalem. The crowds celebrate, laying their clothes and palm branches before Him and calling Him the Son of David. The Lord enters the temple […]

Matthew 20:17-34

November 22, 2020 21:10 - 21.5 MB

PA403 Matthew 20:17-34 mp3 Matthew Series 44 In this message, the Lord once again predicts His upcoming death, burial, and resurrection. The mother of James and John asks the Lord to let her sons sit on His right and left in His kingdom. We discuss why this was so inappropriate. The other disciples are indignant, […]

Matthew 20:1-16

November 22, 2020 21:05 - 17.1 MB

PA402 Matthew 20:1-16 mp3 Matthew Series 43 In this message, the Lord teaches the parable of the vineyard. A landowner hires laborers to work harvesting his vineyard. He hires some at dawn, some the third hour, some the sixth, some the ninth, and some the eleventh. Yet when the time for payment comes, he pays […]

Matthew 19:10-30

November 22, 2020 20:50 - 22.7 MB

PA401 Matthew 19:10-30 mp3 Matthew Series 42 In this message, the Lord further explains to His disciples His teaching on marriage and divorce. He blesses the little children, though the disciples try to shoo them away. A rich young man comes to Him and asks how he can inherit eternal life. The Lord gives him […]

Matthew 19:1-9

November 22, 2020 20:42 - 17.3 MB

PA400 Matthew 19:1-9 mp3 Matthew Series 41 In this message, the Pharisees come to the Lord, wondering if it is permissible for a man to divorce his wife for any reason? The Lord answers by an appeal to Genesis and the fact that God made them one flesh. The Pharisees wonder then why Moses commanded […]

Matthew 18:18-35

September 13, 2020 20:44 - 17.8 MB

PA399 Matthew 18:18-35 mp3 Matthew Series 40 In this message, the Lord tells His disciples whatever they bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever two or three of them agree on will be done by His Father. Does this say something about prayer, and is this true today? Then, Peter asks the […]

Matthew 18:7-17

September 13, 2020 20:35

PA398 Matthew 18:7-17 mp3 Matthew Series 39 In this message, the Lord warns His disciples that it is better to cut off your hand or your foot and enter into life than to be cast into eonian fire. What was the lesson the Lord was truly teaching? The good shepherd with a hundred sheep seeks […]

Matthew 17:14-18:6

September 13, 2020 20:31 - 24 MB

PA397 Matthew 17:14-18:6 mp3 Matthew Series 38 In this message, the Lord with Peter, James, and John come down the mountain from the transfiguration and find a man with a lunatic son who had brought him to the Lord’s nine disciples for healing, and they had been unable to do so. After the Lord healed […]

Matthew 17:1-13

September 13, 2020 20:23

PA396 Matthew 17:1-13 mp3 Matthew Series 37 In this message, the Lord takes Peter, James, and John up a very high mountain, where they see Him transfigured and speaking with Moses and Elijah. We discuss how these two ancient historical figures could have been present with the Lord on the mount. When Peter speaks the […]

Matthew 16:21-28

September 13, 2020 20:18 - 19.1 MB

PA395 Matthew 16:21-28 mp3 Matthew Series 36 In this message, the Lord for the first time announces to His disciples His coming suffering, death, and resurrection. Peter, however, takes Him to one side and chides Him that this will never happen! The Lord rebukes him for this, and assures them that if anyone wishes to […]

Matthew 16:13-20

September 13, 2020 20:11 - 21.6 MB

PA394 Matthew 16:13-20 mp3 In this message, the Lord questions His disciples as to Who men say He is. They answer John the Baptist, or Elijah, or Jeremiah, or one of the prophets. We discuss the probably origins of each of these ideas. When He asks them Who they think He is, Peter answers He […]

Matthew 15:29-16:12

July 05, 2020 22:30 - 20.5 MB

PA393 Matthew 15:29-16:12 mp3 Matthew Series 34 In this message, the Lord teaches great multitudes and heals them. After three days, He does not want to send them home without feeding them. Therefore, He miraculously feeds them from seven loaves and a few small fish. The Pharisees and Sadducees test Him, wanting to see a […]

Matthew 15:10-28

July 05, 2020 21:25

PA392 Matthew 15:10-28 mp3 Matthew Series 33 In this message, the Lord teaches that it is not what goes in the mouth but what comes out that defiles. The disciples are upset that the Pharisees were offended at the Lord’s word, and He explains that they are plants His Father did not plant, and so […]

Matthew 14:22-15:9

July 05, 2020 21:13

PA391 Matthew 14:22-15:9 mp3 Matthew Series 32 In this message, the Lord sends His disciples away in a ship to join them later. Late that night, He comes to them walking on the sea. Peter wants to walk to Him and does until he starts to look at the wind and waves and becomes afraid. […]

Matthew 13:51-14:21

July 05, 2020 20:35

PA390 Matthew 13:51-14:21 mp3 Matthew Series 31 In this message, the Lord concludes His parables given to His disciples. He comes to Nazareth, His former hometown, but they cannot believe in Him since they know His background and family and He grew up among them. The Lord testifies that a prophet is not without honor […]

Matthew 13:31-35, 44-50

April 26, 2020 18:35

PA389 Matthew 13:31-35, 44-50 mp3 Matthew Series 30 In this message, we consider five more parables the Lord told in Matthew 13. First, He told the crowd the parable of the mustard seed in the field and the leaven in the meal. We discuss the meaning of these parables, which the Lord did not interpret, […]

Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43

April 26, 2020 18:23

PA388 Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 mp3 Matthew Series 29 In this message, we consider the Lord’s second parable of Matthew 13, a likeness of the kingdom of God. This is the parable of the wheat and the tares, sown among the wheat by the enemy. We do not have to wonder what the interpretation of this […]

Matthew 13:1-23

April 26, 2020 17:59

PA387 Matthew 13:1-23 mp3 Matthew Series 28 In this message, we start to consider the Lord’s parables in Matthew 13. We consider what the Lord’s parables are for and how to go about interpreting them. Then, we consider the first parable in this chapter, the parable of the sower. He sows on the hard-packed path, […]

Matthew 12:33-50

April 26, 2020 17:26

PA386 Matthew 12:33-50 mp3 Matthew Series 27 In this message, the Lord compares the hearts of men to a tree. A good tree brings forth good fruit and a bad tree bad fruit. So wicked men bring wicked things out of their hearts and good men bring good things out of their hearts. The scribes […]

Matthew 12:18-32

April 26, 2020 17:17

PA385 Matthew 12:18-32 mp3 Matthew Series 26 We consider this important quotation of Isaiah’s prophecy that most expositors act like is not there. The Lord will get the victory in the earth without fighting, crying, or hurting anyone, and the result is that the nations will put their trust in Him. They bring the Lord […]

Matthew 12:1-21

April 26, 2020 17:05

PA384 Matthew 12:1-21 mp3 Matthew Series 25 In this message, the Lord’s disciples were plucking and eating grain on the Sabbath day. When the Pharisees complain to the Lord that this is unlawful, He uses the example of David and of the priests to justify it, proclaiming that He is greater than the temple and […]

Matthew 11:16-30

April 26, 2020 16:55

PA383 Matthew 11:16-30 mp3 Matthew Series 24 In this message, the Lord compares the generation of His enemies to sulky children who refuse to play, whether their friends call on them to play happy games or sad ones. They did not like how John came, but when the Lord came a very different way, they […]

Matthew 11:1-15

April 26, 2020 16:46

PA382 Matthew 11:1-15 mp3 Matthew Series 23 In this message, John the Identifier sends to the Lord to ask if He is the One they were looking for, or if they ought to look for another? We discuss why John was discouraged and what he might have been thinking. The Lord sends John proof of […]

Matthew 10:28-42

April 26, 2020 16:37

PA381 Matthew 10:28-42 mp3 Matthew Series 22 In this message, the Lord speaks of the One Who can destroy both body and soul in hell. What does this mean? What is the “hell” He was talking about? Two sparrows are sold for cheap, and yet none of them fall to the ground without the Father […]

Matthew 10:16-21

April 26, 2020 16:13

PA380 Matthew 10:16-21 mp3 Matthew Series 21 In this message, the Lord sends out His disciples like sheep among wolves. Men will betray them and deliver them to trial before rulers. When that day comes, though, they are to take no thought for what to say, for the words will be given them at the […]

Matthew 9:27-38

February 23, 2020 21:14

PA378 Matthew 9:27-38 mp3 Matthew Series 19 In this message, two blind men beg the Lord as the Son of David to hear them. He calls them into the house when He arrives and asks what they want? They ask to receive their sight. He gives it to them according to their faith. Are all […]

Matthew 9:9-26

February 23, 2020 21:03

PA377 Matthew 9:9-26 mp3 Matthew Series 18 In this message, the Lord passes by the tax booth where Matthew is plying his trade and calls him to follow him. Matthew drops everything to follow the Lord. When He feasts with Matthew and many other tax collectors and sinners, the Pharisees criticize this to His disciples. […]

Matthew 8:28-9:8

February 23, 2020 20:51

PA376 Matthew 8:28-9:8 mp3 Matthew Series 17 In this message, the Lord arrives at the country of the Gergesenes and casts demons out of two men who are demonized. The demons beg to go into a herd of swine, and when the Lord casts them out they do so, but the swine run down a […]

Matthew 8:18-27

February 23, 2020 20:36

PA375 Matthew 8:18-27 mp3 Matthew Series 16 In this message, a man comes to Christ and wants to go wherever He goes, but the Lord answers him that he should understand that He would be sleeping on the street that night. Did this man think by following the Lord he would get into the best […]

Matthew 8:1-17

February 23, 2020 20:23

PA374 Matthew 8:1-17 mp3 Matthew Series 15 In this message, the Lord heals a leper, then orders him to tell no one but rather to go and present himself to the priest for the cleansing ritual. He enters Capernaum, and a Roman centurion comes to Him and begs Him to heal his young male servant. […]

Matthew 7:7-29

December 29, 2019 23:14

PA373 Matthew 7:7-29 mp3 Matthew Series 14 In this message, the Lord promises the disciples if they ask it will be given, if they seek they will find, and if they knock it will be opened. Yet we find that this is not usually the case. What did the Lord mean? Why does this not […]

Matthew 6:22-7:6

December 29, 2019 23:05

PA372 Matthew 6:22-7:6 mp3 Matthew Series 13 In this message, the Lord continues the “sermon on the mount” by talking about light and blindness. No one can serve two masters. The disciples should not be anxious for tomorrow, since His Father will take care of them. They should seek first the kingdom of God, and […]

Matthew 6:5-21

December 29, 2019 22:55

PA371 Matthew 6:5-21 mp3 Matthew Series 12 In this message, the Lord instructs His disciples how to pray. They should not pray as the actors do, who pray on the street corners to be seen by everyone. All the praise they will ever get is from men. They instead should pray in private, and God […]

Matthew 5:38-6:4

December 29, 2019 21:15

PA370 Matthew 5:38-6:4 mp3 Matthew Series 11 In this message, the Lord continues His address to His disciples usually called the “sermon on the mount.” The Lord tells them that, instead of insisting on justice, they should be generous to those who want to take from them. He encourages them to love their enemies, a […]

Matthew 5:21-37

December 29, 2019 21:04

PA369 Matthew 5:21-37 mp3 Matthew Series 10 In this message, the Lord continues His “sermon on the mount” address. The Lord compares His teaching to the law, showing that even to call a person a contemptible name will make him liable to punishment in the kingdom of God. What is the “Gehenna of fire” He […]

Matthew 5:7-20

December 29, 2019 20:11

PA368 Matthew 5:7-20 mp3 Matthew Series 9 In this message, the Lord continues with the beatitudes, pronouncing blessings on the merciful, the clean in heart, the peacemakers, and those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake. The disciples too are blessed when men shall speak against them for Christ’s sake, since the prophets who were before […]

Matthew 4:17-5:6

December 29, 2019 19:58

PA367 Matthew 4:17-5:6 mp3 Matthew Series 8 In this message, the Lord calls Simon and Andrew, James and John to be His disciples. He teaches all over Galilee, healing the sick. Then, in Matthew 5, He calls His disciples together on a mountain and starts teaching them what has come to be called “the sermon […]

Matthew 4:1-16

December 29, 2019 19:49

PA366 Matthew 4:1-16 mp3 Matthew Series 7 In this message, the Lord is tempted in the wilderness by Satan. We discuss the three temptations Satan brought to the Lord and how the Lord answered each one. Considering Satan’s quotation of Scripture and how he twisted it to meet his ends. The temptations in Matthew and […]

Matthew 3:7-17

December 29, 2019 19:28

PA365 Matthew 3:7-17 mp3 Matthew Series 6 In this message, the Pharisees and Sadducees come to John’s baptism, and he calls them out as a generation of vipers, encouraging them to act in ways fitting submission before he will believe they are truly ready for the baptism of submission. It does not matter, as they […]

Matthew 3:1-6

December 29, 2019 19:18

PA364 Matthew 3:1-6 mp3 Matthew Series 5 In this message, we consider the ministry of John the Baptist. What was he calling on them to do when he told them to “repent’? Is this what the Greek word metanoeo means? We consider John’s ministry. Just what did he do when he baptized them?

God, His Love and Grace

November 17, 2019 23:42

PSA260 God, His Love and Grace mp3 The Characteristics of God Series Considering the characteristics of God, among the most important are certainly God’s love and grace. We discuss what grace is, when God has shown grace in the past, how Jesus Christ shows grace, how grace is related to salvation, and how grace is […]

Matthew 1:22-2:5

November 17, 2019 23:35

PA362 Matthew 1:22-2:5 mp3 Matthew Series 3 In this message, we consider Isaiah’s prophecy of the virgin being with child. Was this a direct reference to Jesus Christ, fulfilled in Him? What else might Matthew’s statement mean? Joseph obeys the angel and takes Mary into his home as his wife. He does not consummate their […]

Matthew 1:22-23

November 17, 2019 23:35

PA362 Matthew 1:22-23 mp3 In this message, we consider Isaiah’s prophecy of the virgin being with child. Was this a direct reference to Jesus Christ, fulfilled in Him? What else might Matthew’s statement mean? Joseph obeys the angel and takes Mary into his home as his wife. He does not consummate their relationship with her, […]