Previous Episode: Matthew 12:1-21
Next Episode: Matthew 12:33-50

PA385 Matthew 12:18-32 mp3 Matthew Series 26 We consider this important quotation of Isaiah’s prophecy that most expositors act like is not there. The Lord will get the victory in the earth without fighting, crying, or hurting anyone, and the result is that the nations will put their trust in Him. They bring the Lord […]

PA385 Matthew 12:18-32 mp3

Matthew Series 26

We consider this important quotation of Isaiah’s prophecy that most expositors act like is not there. The Lord will get the victory in the earth without fighting, crying, or hurting anyone, and the result is that the nations will put their trust in Him. They bring the Lord a demon-possessed man and He casts the demon out, but the jealous religious leaders claim He just did this by the power of Beelzeboul the prince of the demons. The Lord shows how foolish this is, and warns them of the sin that has no forgiveness, which we discuss. They kingdom of God has come unto them, but does that mean we have the kingdom with us already?