Previous Episode: Matthew 13:31-35, 44-50
Next Episode: Matthew 14:22-15:9

PA390 Matthew 13:51-14:21 mp3 Matthew Series 31 In this message, the Lord concludes His parables given to His disciples. He comes to Nazareth, His former hometown, but they cannot believe in Him since they know His background and family and He grew up among them. The Lord testifies that a prophet is not without honor […]

PA390 Matthew 13:51-14:21 mp3

Matthew Series 31

In this message, the Lord concludes His parables given to His disciples. He comes to Nazareth, His former hometown, but they cannot believe in Him since they know His background and family and He grew up among them. The Lord testifies that a prophet is not without honor except in his own house. Herod hears of the Lord and guiltily imagines it is John the Baptist returned from the dead. We learn why John is dead, and the sad story of Herod, Herodias, and Herodias’ daughter that ends in John’s murder. John’s disciples bury his body and go tell Jesus. Jesus withdraws into the wilderness, but a great crowd follows. He has compassion on them and heals them, but when evening comes there is no food to feed them. The Lord works a great miracle and feeds them with five loaves and two fish.