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PA365 Matthew 3:7-17 mp3 Matthew Series 6 In this message, the Pharisees and Sadducees come to John’s baptism, and he calls them out as a generation of vipers, encouraging them to act in ways fitting submission before he will believe they are truly ready for the baptism of submission. It does not matter, as they […]

PA365 Matthew 3:7-17 mp3

Matthew Series 6

In this message, the Pharisees and Sadducees come to John’s baptism, and he calls them out as a generation of vipers, encouraging them to act in ways fitting submission before he will believe they are truly ready for the baptism of submission. It does not matter, as they think, that Abraham is their father. John was identifying them by means of a water ritual, but One was coming after him who would identify them with the Holy Spirit and with fire. That One comes to John, Jesus Christ, and asks to be baptized by him. John does not understand at first, knowing that he needs to be identified with Christ, and he cannot imagine it the other way around. We discuss why Christ did desire to join with John’s baptism. After His baptism the Spirit comes down in a form like a dove and rests on Him and a voice from heaven testifies that this is God’s Beloved Son.