Previous Episode: Matthew 8:18-27
Next Episode: Matthew 9:9-26

PA376 Matthew 8:28-9:8 mp3 Matthew Series 17 In this message, the Lord arrives at the country of the Gergesenes and casts demons out of two men who are demonized. The demons beg to go into a herd of swine, and when the Lord casts them out they do so, but the swine run down a […]

PA376 Matthew 8:28-9:8 mp3

Matthew Series 17

In this message, the Lord arrives at the country of the Gergesenes and casts demons out of two men who are demonized. The demons beg to go into a herd of swine, and when the Lord casts them out they do so, but the swine run down a cliff and drown! The locals, fearing the loss of their lucrative swine trade, ask the Lord to leave in spite of the great good done to the demonized men. The Lord goes back to His home in Capernaum. There, a paralytic is brought to Him and He forgives his sins. When those who hear think He is blaspheming He proves His ability to forgive sins by healing the man’s paralysis. Do those who claim to be able to forgive sins today do the same?