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High Vibes Living with Jennifer

129 episodes - English - Latest episode: 21 days ago - ★★★★★ - 6 ratings

Hosted by Jennifer Hoffman. Your resource for inspiration, motivation, and enlightenment to set your energy GPS to rich, happy, and successful living.

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September 2022 Energy Report

September 05, 2022 20:26 - 32 minutes - 29.6 MB

months because they are what you are going to be working with all month. In particular, the divine action mantra of August – “I AM I CAN I WILL’ becomes our action plan for September. The energy theme for September is “It’s time to shine” and my thoughts on this topic may surprise you but I think you’ll agree that we have hidden, dimmed, and blocked our lights long enough. We are ready to go and to glow. September has some unique energy aspects and it’s a step in a new direction as well as ...

New Beliefs and Sacred Cows

August 28, 2022 22:31 - 29 minutes - 27.1 MB

A few years ago I wrote that  'We cannot heal the world by putting ourselves on the cross'.  This refers to the end of the Martyred Healer paradigm in which we sacrifice ourselves, our joy, peace of mind and heart in the  name of our 'light work', and open ourselves to the Christed Awareness paradigm. It's a graduation where we become empowered, joyful, light leaders, embodying the sacred and powerful divinity that forces us to choose between being in service as a servant to others in self ...

August 2022 Energy Report

August 02, 2022 14:00 - 21 minutes - 19.6 MB

If you were struggling in July you will get some relief in August and then some. We have had some very rare and historic aspects in the past few years but the one that opens August has not happened since 324 BC. This is a clean-up month which is good for clear outs and fresh starts and with the ongoing energy movements that have been building since January the changes that I have been saying would happen this summer are on the way. It’s a month to shore up our energy boundaries and maintain ...

Time to Pass the Baton

July 21, 2022 23:58 - 18 minutes - 16.5 MB

I have been saying for many years that ascension is a relay race, it is not a marathon. The marathon stage was required in the early decades of this ascension cycle but not any more. We are now in the second phase of the ascension cycle and it’s time for a change. If you have been feeling like you want to drop everything you are doing and do something else, it’s perfectly normal. We entered this ascension cycle on April 13. 2003 and we started ascension 2.0 on January 20, 2022. We are ready ...

My Way Or The Highway

July 13, 2022 19:29 - 28 minutes - 25.8 MB

This podcast and article are about the people who manipulate, blame, shame, intimidate, and issue ultimatums to you to get you to do what they want. Everyone has this kind of person in their life or has an experience of them. They are impossible to deal with, they cause drama, trauma, and chaos, they refuse to consider anyone else’s needs or position and they can be very mean when they do not get their way. Their ‘my way or the highway’ attitude lets you know that they only value you to the ...

July 2022 Energy Report

July 05, 2022 03:32 - 26 minutes - 24.2 MB

June ended with a strong new moon that set the energy for July and it’s all about karma endings, timeline shifts, and freedom. Not surprisingly, we get this in a month whose theme in the US is independence and freedom.  We get a big dose of freedom this month, whether we are willing to do the release work or not. It’s time for us to get comfortable with transformation and the energy consequences that accompanies our intention for joy, freedom, peace, and love. We enter the month on a path f...

Does It Resonate

June 23, 2022 03:35 - 14 minutes - 13.4 MB

Have you noticed how things that were once only part of the small spiritual community are now becoming much more mainstream? During a commercial advertising a new movie, I heard the announcer say ‘Everyone will resonate with this film.” That really got my attention, not because I think the film is good but because they used the word ‘resonate’. Once reserved for the spiritual or new age communities, it is now part of the vernacular and used in everyday language. And getting people to think a...

June 2022 Energy Report

June 07, 2022 23:03 - 31 minutes - 28.5 MB

Welcome to June with a new vibe and an opportunity to get creative with the energy that was stirred up in the 11 month of May 2022. This month we have a rare astro aspect, Mercury goes direct, Saturn starts its annual 5 month retrograde, Pluto retros back to the 27.38 degree of the US (and global) Pluto return, and we are going to see more awakening and action taking. We have gotten through May’s 11 vibration and have been through a lot this first half of the year. Now it’s time to jettison ...

From Boredom to Motivation

May 25, 2022 21:59 - 30 minutes - 27.5 MB

I used to think that being bored meant having nothing to do, so if I had things to do and I was bored, it meant that I was being irresponsible or lazy. But that is not what boredom means. It is a sign that there is an energetic misalignment between the life we are on and new paths, opportunities, and potentials that our soul is trying to open our awareness to. When I was growing up my mother gave us extra chores to do if we were bored so we made sure to always act and look busy because we d...

Motives, Motivation, and Timelines

May 13, 2022 03:35 - 17 minutes - 15.7 MB

I would call myself a motivated person in the sense that I am energetic, positive, accomplished, efficient, and I am very results oriented. But that is according to the generally accepted definition of the word ‘motivation’ and it does not do justice to the concept of motivation. When we look at motivation clearly we have to ask the question, ‘why are you doing this’ because the true definition of motivation is your reason for doing something. And that is not always the reason you are tellin...

May 2022 Energy Report

May 04, 2022 04:00 - 23 minutes - 21.1 MB

I always start my May Energy Reports (I have been writing these energy reports since 2008) with a reminder that the month’s name can be both a declarative and an interrogative, I may or May I, and how we use the word ‘may’ determines the path our lives take. If we’re always asking for permission (May I) we will spend a lot of time waiting for someone to agree with our course of action before we take action. But if we step into our energetic sovereignty and declare our intention (I may), we h...

Repossess Your Power

April 18, 2022 17:40 - 22 minutes - 21 MB

I am not a big fan of the phrases ‘give your power away’ or ‘take back your power’ because they do not adequately describe a very important process that can involve important lessons which we must understand to be able to fully own and use our own power.  So we are going to address the issues of repossessing our power by looking at why we feel we have to disown our power by giving our power away, who we give it to and why, and what we need to do to repossess it which begins with owning and ...

April 2022 Energy Report

April 06, 2022 23:40 - 26 minutes - 24.3 MB

April starts and ends with a new moon, 30 days to move from beginnings to endings to beginnings again. Its theme is ‘rise and shine’ – notice that the word ‘rise’ comes first. We can shine without rising but it is so much more effective to rise and shine our lights at a higher frequency and with a brighter light.  Another April theme is ‘repossession’ which is one step above the concept of ‘taking back’, it means to claim ownership. To possess something is to own it, so when we repossess ou...

Resistance and Change

March 29, 2022 21:27 - 22 minutes - 20.7 MB

Why do we resist change? The simple answer is that it upsets the status quo, takes us out of our comfort zone, we don’t know what’s going to happen when we do change, and we’re scared. I think if we acknowledge the simple truth that we are scared of change because just don’t know if we can deal with it or what is going to happen to us, we would stop trying to pretend to be brave about it and look at change as a step by step process instead of a chaotic mess that we can avoid by being resista...

Ascension Takeaway is Not a Good Plan

March 29, 2022 03:37 - 28 minutes - 25.7 MB

It would be so nice if ascension was a ‘done for you’ process so you could just sit back, relax, and it would all happen. But that is not the way it works and even with the best, strongest, most aligned, and powerful intentions, we are still part of a process that is partially dependent on the actions and energies of others. And we have agreed to stay within an energy range to participate in that process even though it slows our own ascension process down. Confused? Surprised? Don’t be. If ...

March 2022 Energy Report

March 03, 2022 23:17 - 28 minutes - 25.8 MB

I love the month of March because it is the only month that is an action word. March 4th is my favorite date because every time I say it I am reminded that no matter what has happened in the past, the way out of a challenge is to take one step towards a new beginning.  I remember the old saying ‘March comes in like a lion’ and this one certainly does with a blast of a new moon on the second and strong energy aspects to keep us moving forward with courage, clarity, and confidence all month. ...

The Role of the Soul

February 23, 2022 03:52 - 13 minutes - 12.3 MB

The soul is somewhat of a mystery, an enigma, and we want to know more about this presence in our lives that is the source of our joy and at times of our pain. What is the role of the soul, what does it do for us, and how do we connect with, work with, and embody it? It’s a delicate balance that we need to perfect over our lifetime, not giving it too much or not enough power, attention, and space in our lives. Learning to create the soul-self partnership, establishing the boundaries of our c...

Intention, Motivation, and Purpose

February 16, 2022 21:18 - 17 minutes - 16.3 MB

When my children were young I had no problem getting them to do what I asked because there was always a motivating factor. Sometimes it was money, other times it was a special activity or a special treat that they wanted. Once their chores were done they got the reward. If they did not do their chores, no reward. Depending on what the reward was, they were usually very quick to do the work. And it only took one time of not getting the reward to let them know that it was a motivator for their...

February 2022 Energy Report

February 02, 2022 23:52 - 18 minutes - 17.1 MB

January went by rather quickly and it was a very eventful month. You may not have felt that there was a lot going on but we need to consider what is happening energetically, the activity below the surface of our awareness, whose results are not immediately obvious to us but that are creating powerful undercurrents for transformation. During the last few days of January the Sun was very active with dozens of solar flares erupting, sending us bright rays of encouragement and the high vibe ener...

How to Predict Your Future

January 26, 2022 23:58 - 20 minutes - 18.4 MB

Yes you can create and you can predict your future. In fact, you do it every day with each decision you face and the choices that you allow to be part of that decision. Predicting the future is less about intuition than it is about considering your potential and possibilities and what you will surrender to, or allow to happen. You could be presented with the most wonderful opportunities for a fabulous future but if you do not allow them to become possible, nothing will happen. Predicting ...

Invision, Intend, Inspire, Indulge

January 19, 2022 22:09 - 18 minutes - 17.2 MB

You probably do not think about being self indulgent as part of our spiritual path but it is one of the most important aspects of our spiritual growth that we overlook and even avoid. Being indulgent is seen as engaging in acts that are selfish excessive, and exorbitant. But indulgence actually means to be lenient, permissive, soothing, and having mercy. How does this fit into the intention process? Let’s look at the whole process and all of its steps because you cannot single out one aspect...

2022 Annual Predictions

January 10, 2022 22:37 - 57 minutes - 52.8 MB

I would like to say that we begin 2022 with a clean slate and a fresh start but that would not be true. We start this year with a lot of carryover energy from 2021 and 2020. This is a very pivotal year and what happens this year will determine how this ascension cycle progresses and what happens between now and 2025 and 2030.  I think I can say that after the last two years many people are looking forward to a new year and new energies. We have been through a lot since 2020 and we’re ready ...

January 2022 Energy Report

January 07, 2022 23:07 - 18 minutes - 17.2 MB

While it’s the beginning of the calendar year, the solar year begins in March with the Spring Equinox so if you’re not really feeling the new year rush of ‘newness’, don’t worry, we have a lot of energy to process from 2021 this month as well as some old cycles that are ending and new ones beginning. Buckle up, it’s a big month and a big start to a new year. We begin the new year with a 6 vibration, much more settled and calm than the awkward 5 vibration of 2021.But this is not an ordinary ...

Promises Expectations and Assumptions

December 20, 2021 22:38 - 23 minutes - 18.1 MB

Why do we get so blindsided by certain people? Why do we think we can trust someone and then we are shocked when they betray us? How can we know someone so well and then be surprised by their behavior? Why do people break their promises to us? What is wrong with them? If you’re really resonating with this or this describes nearly every relationship in your life, don’t worry. It is something that everyone experiences and it is not your fault, so to speak but it is your doing.  Every relation...

December 2021 Energy Report

December 01, 2021 23:30 - 24 minutes - 18.9 MB

And here we are at the end of the year, this is the final month. As we look back on the events of 2021 I think we can agree that we never could have imagined many of the things that happened. But they did and the next question is, where do we go from here? What does moving forward look like? How do we rise above the chaos and believe in the traditions and structures we feel have failed us (badly). The energy themes of December include activating your self ideation triad - self awareness, sel...

Take Care of your Own Business

November 25, 2021 00:42 - 19 minutes - 17.5 MB

It’s so easy to get lost in the chaos of what is going on in the world today. With so much fear and uncertainty swirling around we’re uncomfortable and we’re scared too. Our first response to that fear is to want to fix it, to remove it, to take care of the people who are causing or feeding it, to make it go away, to fight it, to shine more light on it, or to hide somewhere and hope that it goes away.  If we did our work so well why is ascension such a mess? Well, we did our work well and o...

5 Reasons Why forgiveness is so hard

November 10, 2021 10:39 - 24 minutes - 22.7 MB

I know that everyone reading this can think of a life situation where someone treated them badly and they are still angry, hurt, or upset over it. If that person is someone they interact with regularly the hurt is replayed in excruciating detail everything you see them or even think about them. People say we should forgive the other person in these situations and let it go. Maybe we should but it is hard to do for a lot of reasons, all of them valid.  Forgiveness is a choice we can make muc...

November 2021 Energy Report

November 01, 2021 21:43 - 26 minutes - 24.2 MB

  If you have not figured out by now that this is a critically important year in the history of humanity then you have been on vacation off planet all year. In a year whose main theme was energetic sovereignty we certainly got our lessons in what that means, probably not as we imagined it would happen. Is this really the ascension process and are we going to make it? The answer to those questions is yes and yes and we have some interesting things happening this month as well as some carryov...

Hold on Or Release

October 18, 2021 03:27 - 26 minutes - 24 MB

We are living in challenging, confusing, and troubling times, on a personal and on a global scale and portals for transformation are opening in every direction. On a personal level we can feel like we are being forced to accept and adopt changes that we are not ready for and maybe didn’t want. Our resistance to change can be high and sometimes we refuse it entirely.  It’s not a character flaw to want to maintain the status quo but rather than looking at what we are not moving towards, I thi...

The Perception of Perfection

October 13, 2021 23:03 - 15 minutes - 13.9 MB

I don’t like tomatoes, everyone knows that. But I can admire the beautiful, perfect symmetry and rich red color of a ripe tomato. I think that heirloom varieties are beautiful and perfect too, like yellow and red striped tomatoes, or my favorite Cherokee purples. While I think they look perfect, they are not my favorite food so I would not call a plate of tomatoes that I would be expected to eat, a perfect meal. But I can agree that they are perfect. So what is perfect and what is perfection...

October 2021 Energy Report

October 04, 2021 22:20 - 22 minutes - 20.3 MB

Can you believe it’s October and the year is nearly over. Like 2020, this year has been marked with dis-integration, chaos, and ‘things that make you go hmmmm’. These are dark times indeed but they are surrounded by an increasing amount of light and the delays and blocks of the last 6 months will finally give way to new movement, some of it surprising, as we enter a new month that promises more stability, truth, and energetic support for our continuing ascension journey. October’s theme is o...

Revenge or Divine Retribution

September 21, 2021 16:40 - 23 minutes - 21.3 MB

Do you remember the last time someone hurt you, betrayed you, or you discovered something about them that made you realize they were not your friend, were not on your side, and that their actions were deliberate?  You may want to avenge your honor, make them pay, get revenge, show them how it feels to be treated that way, and get them to acknowledge your pain and then apologize for it. You want retribution, a punishment that matches the damage and harm they caused you.  You want resolutio...

Answering the Call to Serve

September 16, 2021 04:41 - 31 minutes - 22.8 MB

Our call to serve is not an edict to perform for the universe. It is part of our larger soul mission we came here with and when we get the call, which can arrive in many different ways, it is just an activation of this mission and a sign for us to get started on that path. Now this doesn’t mean we don’t have a choice, we do, to a point. And we can ignore it, deny it, or pretend we are not listening.  We may not be ready at that time, we may need more time to adjust our beliefs to accommodat...

September 2021 Energy Reort

September 04, 2021 04:47 - 26 minutes - 18.9 MB

Well, here we are in the ninth month of the year. Are you tired of the drama yet? If we had not imagined what being a warrior for the light entailed, we are certainly getting an education about it now. From watching the absolute tyranny that is happening in certain countries around the world to the imposition of restrictions we thought we would never see happening in the world again after their disastrous consequences 80 years go, we are living in epic times.    This is the battle between t...

Choosing with Power Deciding with Confidence

August 18, 2021 22:47 - 27 minutes - 19.6 MB

How many times do you struggle with making a choice because you just don’t know what to do or all of the choices seem to be bad choices or you can’t imagine having to live with the choice you are making forever. Surprise! Can I tell you that you may be looking at this all wrong? There is a new and much better way of making choices that gives you freedom and many options and it involves seeing choices and decision making as a process and adds an extra step. One of the big rewards of our 5D a...

Who Or What Controls Your Energy

August 13, 2021 00:45 - 22 minutes - 16.3 MB

Before I begin speaking about this topic I want to ask you this. What do you think your energy is?  Is it how you manifest, create, live your life, and how you get motivated.  What if there was another way to define your energy, one that gave it deeper meaning and value to you?  What if you saw yourself as a steward of divine energy and as that steward, it was your job to protect, support, use, and expand it in the best way possible. Would that change how you view your energy?  Keep that...

August 2021 Energy Report

August 03, 2021 03:06 - 15 minutes - 11.3 MB

Welcome to August, the 8th month of the year and this month is full of surprises and new opportunities to expand our energetic sovereignty. Just remember that this doesn’t mean you can change the world, it means that you can use the energy to change your world. Our life path is created by the interaction of our thoughts, beliefs, actions and intention. If you’re not living a life you love August energy may provide the clarity, confidence, and creativity you need to make course corrections. T...

Leverage Fear, Limit the Loss and Transform the Trauma

July 28, 2021 21:11 - 23 minutes - 17.2 MB

Fear is a word that we use many different ways, as a noun, a verb, an adjective, and a modifier in how we speak and in how we live. But as you have heard me say often, fear is not a thing. We do not fear ‘fear’, we fear consequences. And those consequences are very real – these things have happened to us but they do not have to keep happening to us and that is why learning to leverage fear is so important now. We can use our fears as stepping stones to greater potential when we learn the val...

Clarity Truth and Consequences

July 14, 2021 20:34 - 17 minutes - 12.7 MB

There is a flow of energy and outcomes that happens once we set out on the clarity path to get knowledge and understanding. We want knowledge because it’s what is going to help us get to the next step and to get unstuck. We want understanding because we want to know why things happen the way they do.  Frankly, I believe that it is our quest for knowledge and understanding that is the reason we get stuck in the first place. Our desire to know why without being willing to follow the clarity –...

Ascending Your Destiny

July 08, 2021 22:15 - 16 minutes - 11.7 MB

A few weeks ago I shared my thoughts about how our 3D/5D ascension integration compels us to redefine our ‘life purpose’. Instead of a search for purpose, our focus must now become a personal intention for accessing our potential so we are not constantly looking for validation of our being-ness and instead, celebrating our creative power and abilities.  There is another aspect of our 3D life journey that is equally troubling and difficult and that is the topic of destiny, which is described...

July 2021 Energy Report

July 02, 2021 15:20 - 22 minutes - 15.8 MB

This is another year where the first half of the year will be different from the second half and we’re entering the second half now. If you feel like everything is a struggle right now, that’s because it is. The ‘dark side’ has been in control for a long time and it will not give up without a fight but that cannot deter us from forging onward and upward. Remember energy expansion is not linear, it is spherical. It expands in all directions which is why linear progress is not always obvious. ...

The Energy Burden of Purpose

June 23, 2021 21:50 - 23 minutes - 17.4 MB

I cringe when I hear the phrase ‘find your purpose’ or when someone asks me to tell them what their life purpose is. I cringe because I know why they are asking that question and that it is causing them a lot of grief. To seek purpose is a burden on us because it implies that we are not doing things right, following the right path, and we’re wasting our time and energy. We are working as hard as we can and not getting any results or joy. There is no purpose other than whatever we are doing r...

Nightlighters - Holding the Light In The Dark

June 09, 2021 03:14 - 13 minutes - 9.99 MB

You'll really relate to this episode if you're one of the many who have not been able to sleep lately, who are up around 3AM for a few hours, or who are not sleeping at all. What has happened to our ability to fall asleep and stay asleep?  Well, we're doing a lot of energy work at night and bringing in big energy downloads. And at night, when everyone else is asleep, there is less energetic interference.  In this podcast you'll hear about how this phenomenon is impacting so many people aro...

June 2021 Energy Report

June 01, 2021 03:59 - 29 minutes - 21 MB

We start June with a lot of carryover energy from May. We have a number of important retrogrades, strong spiritual support, and we are at the halfway point between two powerful eclipses. That may sound like an omen of doom and gloom but it isn’t because in June we can rebuild from the ‘mayhem, mastery, and miracles’ of May. June’s energy themes include resets, upsets, reversals, and resurgence. And if you remember that one of the main themes of 2021 is energetic sovereignty (link to gps2021 ...

The 5Cs of 5D

May 26, 2021 03:07 - 23 minutes - 21.4 MB

To fully understand the 3D/5D ascension integration process we have to rethink what so many people wrongly said about ascension. It’s not a leap into lala land where everything glitters with fairy dust and unicorns dance in the streets.  If you have been part of this process for the last 15 to 20 years, you know this isn’t so. It has been some of the most challenging, grueling, painful periods in our life. But it does get better when we understand the 5D energies and how they are being inte...

You Are Not Responsible for Other's Expectations

May 12, 2021 23:56 - 32 minutes - 23.5 MB

What are expectations? They are the anticipated behaviors that you or someone else thinks will happen in a situation.  We have expectations of others just as they have expectations of us.  From our standpoint, we expect certain behaviors from people depending on who they are in our lives and what we want from them. From the labels they have, such as mother, father, sister, brother, partner, friend, we create a set of expectations. And when those expectations are not met we feel betrayed, d...

May 2021 Energy Report

May 03, 2021 13:33 - 21 minutes - 15.6 MB

May is going to have its moments but we have come through a lot so far this year and in May we get to experience the miracles we have earned, as well as some mayhem, and there will be opportunities to step into our mastery. Miracles, mayhem, and mastery are the themes for May. Let the games begin. Read the full article on the blog at enlighteninglife.com Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman. Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman. Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US a...

Energy Divorce and Energy Boundaries

April 20, 2021 19:25 - 20 minutes - 15 MB

Now we are not forced to do anything by the Universe but when the energy moves as quickly and as much as it is right now, we can get a definite shove into taking care of our energy misalignment, misuse, or under utilization. And this is one of those times when we can explore the potential that an energetic housecleaning is necessary and maybe even consider an energy divorce. Is it Time for an Energy Divorce? We all have relationships and life situations, past or present, where there is a d...

The Clue Phone is Ringing for You

April 13, 2021 01:55 - 16 minutes - 12 MB

I remember the many times the Universe has tried to prevent me from doing something that I wanted to do anyway. No matter how many obstacles were put in my path I forged ahead, determined to succeed at all costs. And I paid the price in time, energy, and heartache.  Why did I not see the clues I was receiving for what they were, warnings that the path I was on was not the best one for me, that it was not aligned with the outcomes I wanted in my life?  What made me forge ahead with my plans...

April 2021 Energy Report

April 07, 2021 16:35 - 27 minutes - 24.8 MB

It feels like I just wrote the March Energy Report and we’re starting a new month. I’m kidding, March was a long month that never seemed to end. Challenging times always seem to drag on and we have seen quite a few in the past few years. But cheer up, April is a new vibe and we have some rare supportive energy this month that should put a smile on everyone’s face, especially those who have been waiting for the Go sign to start moving forward. April’s themes are ACTion, alignment, and renewa...