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June ended with a strong new moon that set the energy for July and it’s all about karma endings, timeline shifts, and freedom. Not surprisingly, we get this in a month whose theme in the US is independence and freedom.  We get a big dose of freedom this month, whether we are willing to do the release work or not. It’s time for us to get comfortable with transformation and the energy consequences that accompanies our intention for joy, freedom, peace, and love. We enter the month on a path for embodying our self ideation, one of the themes of 2022, and we have the US and global second Pluto return, a more stable and grounded 4 numerology, and a lot of energy supporting July’s themes of freedom, acceptance, karmic booms, and decisions. 


The big theme in July is freedom – freedom from karma, freedom within ourselves, the state of being free and the opportunity to choose freedom. We can always choose freedom and release ourselves from what limits us but we are not always willing to bear the consequences of our actions. Other July energy themes are karmic endings, decisions and acceptance and they are all tied to freedom, the state of being free and having choices for freedom. Pay attention to those nuances because they are important. 

There is always an option for freedom in any situation – we can simply say no and leave but the decision to have freedom is another matter entirely.

We want it all – freedom to do what we want, to have great relationships with people who are incapable of having those with us, at least at this time, no guilt and shame, and the validation and acknowledgement of our long standing efforts at healing those in our karmic circles and soul groups.

But we are asking for the impossible and we now have to choose something else. While nothing is impossible in the Universe, we all have free will and energetic sovereignty, and the ability to choose our path. But no matter how wonderful we think the healing path is, to someone who doesn’t want to heal or to achieve wholeness or congruence, who is happy living in the 3D density of their world, it is not an option they want to consider.

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Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

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