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Have you noticed how things that were once only part of the small spiritual community are now becoming much more mainstream? During a commercial advertising a new movie, I heard the announcer say ‘Everyone will resonate with this film.” That really got my attention, not because I think the film is good but because they used the word ‘resonate’. Once reserved for the spiritual or new age communities, it is now part of the vernacular and used in everyday language. And getting people to think about the idea of resonance and energy connections is a good thing.

Let’s not make the mistake of putting resonance into the spiritual basket and then calling it good because ‘all things spiritual are good’. Resonance simply refers to an energetic alignment and synergy and nothing else, it is not good or bad. We resonate with what is aligned with our energetic frequency and includes what we need to feel good, to be happy, to heal, to feel complete, and to feel recognized, valued, authentic, and acknowledged.

We resonate with our fears, our joy, our success, and our failures. Depending on what we are willing to allow into our lives, we will bring in everything that we resonate with to make our intentions a reality and create the life of our dreams or of our nightmares.

To casually portray resonance as something positive, alluring, and simple is preventing us from understanding how resonance can take us down the path of  victimhood, grief, and fear if we do not pay attention to what we are resonating with, and why. We can resonate with what causes us pain as well as what brings us joy. The majority of what we resonate with is aligned with our life lessons and learning and that’s why resonance should be used with clarity and discernment. 

There is a difference between resonating with what we want to be aligned with and resonating with what we can be or are actually aligned with. Understanding that can help us understand why we make choices in the short term that do not work out for us in the longer term and why we make what we later call ‘bad choices’ because what we resonate with is exactly and perfectly aligned with our energy in each moment. 

But underneath our desire for joy or peace or love or abundance is an even deeper need to resonate with something else that meets our need to be validated, acknowledge, safe, secure, loved, and appreciated. And that is what we  resonate with and what really drives our choices.

Here’s an example. You say you resonate with success and financial security so you set your intention for a good job with a fancy title, a great salary and upward career mobility. You work harder than anyone else and you become very successful. Now you have lots of money to spend, a fancy title and all of the benefits, and you feel great about your outer life. 

But you work too hard, put in too many hours, and you have no free time. You are afraid of losing your job to competitors and office politics, and you no longer like your job but you stay at it for the salary. You are not happy and that’s disappointing because you thought all of that hard work would be it for you, you would have ‘made it’ and you would have the ‘lived happily for ever after’ life.

You may say ‘I do not resonate with this job any more’ but that would not be true. The job was not what you resonated with at all and that is why you are now having ‘resonance dissonance’ because what you really resonated with was having status, financial security, and not being poor.You thought that getting the great job and big salary would solve your problems but they created problems of their own because the great job and big salary were a stop gap measure that did not address far deeper fears and anxieties.

Read the rest of the article on the blog at this link

How do you change this? By being aware of what you are really resonating with and shifting your intention to that. By honestly assessing your needs and realizing what it is that makes you feel safe, secure, protected, and in control of your reality. At some level, we all resonate with those things and ultimately, that is what we want to create in our lives with every intention we set.

Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

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