Previous Episode: From Boredom to Motivation
Next Episode: Does It Resonate

Welcome to June with a new vibe and an opportunity to get creative with the energy that was stirred up in the 11 month of May 2022. This month we have a rare astro aspect, Mercury goes direct, Saturn starts its annual 5 month retrograde, Pluto retros back to the 27.38 degree of the US (and global) Pluto return, and we are going to see more awakening and action taking. We have gotten through May’s 11 vibration and have been through a lot this first half of the year. Now it’s time to jettison the ballast, raise the anchor, and open our wings wide to see how far we can fly.

Are you as glad to see May end as I am? It was not an easy month. If you have been following the story of the flooding damage to my house that happened in late January, in May I had the restoration crew out to my house 5 times to fix unfinished or improperly repaired work.  I think they are finally finished.  I hope so. It has been a difficult project for them mainly because everything went wrong and they never seemed to be able to finish. 

I am not sure why but I tend to bring that out in companies. If there are holes in their process or issues with training or performance, my project will be the example of everything that is wrong. From being the person who could always (and does still) find bugs in software in my tech days to the person who has been the victim of terrible content and IP theft and has become the voice of public revelation and condemnation for these illegal activities, I must be the Portal Keeper for out of synch energies in the corporate world. Maybe that’s why I just could not get the hang of the corporate world and my corporate career ended after having six layoffs in eight years. 

Read the rest of this article on the Enlightening Life Blog at this link

Quite frankly, I am getting a little tired of this and if you know this is true about yourself, you probably are too.  It just seems to be something that I am wired to do. Do you have the same experience with people and in certain situations? Do you see the out of synch energies, energy gaps, and situations that are not congruent? Do you notice that you attract the people who need help, healing, support, and advice for their problems? Is this a long term trend in your life? Are you ready to change it? If it is what you are ‘wired to do’ you can be complete with that mission and instead, connect with people who support and nurture you. If you’re ready for that June is a great month to get started.

Are you ready to take a different path? Is it time for a big change in how you work, who you work for, what kind of work you do, and doing work you really enjoy and are passionate about?  If you have been looking for a life change or expanding into something new or even taking something you’re doing now in a different direction, you will get support for it in June. I have a lot of experience in this area and am completing a project to help you with that so stay tuned and watch for details in the coming days.

June moves us our of the difficult 11 master number of May into a more creative and harmonious 3 of  June 2022 (6 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 12 and 1 + 2 = 3).  11 months are always tough because while 11 is one of the master numbers, it is the number of the initiate, the beginner. 

As beginners in any new cycle we have to create new energy pathways and let go of the old ones that won't be appropriate for our new path. Have you noticed that when we have a month with an 11 number vibration there are a lot of changes and upsets, bigger energy downloads, more ascension symptoms and fatigue, and it is full of challenges? That’s because we are being shown where things in the status quo have to go and we sure have seen a lot of that during the past few years.

Sometimes we become aware of these by ourselves and other times they make themselves very obvious. Either way, it is our choice to shift the vibe and let go or not but we do not always have full control over that process. 

Sometimes things let go of us no matter how much we want them to stay and we can’t do anything to get them back. As I always say, we are not in control of others’ energy or choices.

Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

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