I used to think that being bored meant having nothing to do, so if I had things to do and I was bored, it meant that I was being irresponsible or lazy. But that is not what boredom means. It is a sign that there is an energetic misalignment between the life we are on and new paths, opportunities, and potentials that our soul is trying to open our awareness to.

When I was growing up my mother gave us extra chores to do if we were bored so we made sure to always act and look busy because we didn't want to do extra work. But hiding our boredom, especially from ourselves, is not a good thing to do because boredom serves an important purpose in letting us know that our energy tank is out of gas and we need a new vibe and a refill to get motivated and move forward.

Boredom is a tug of war between the mind and the spirit, an invitation to find another way to ‘be’, instead of finding something else to do. (Why you’re seeing a photo of my bathroom is explained at the end of the article).

Our needs change over time and we feel stuck and frustrated because the energy that is creating the path that we are on is not giving us the results we want. The energy we have used to create our current reality will only fuel that reality. If we want to create something else, we need to use different energy.  And that is the message that our boredom is trying to give us.

Read the rest of the article on the blog at enlighteninglife.com 

Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

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