Previous Episode: March 2022 Energy Report
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It would be so nice if ascension was a ‘done for you’ process so you could just sit back, relax, and it would all happen. But that is not the way it works and even with the best, strongest, most aligned, and powerful intentions, we are still part of a process that is partially dependent on the actions and energies of others. And we have agreed to stay within an energy range to participate in that process even though it slows our own ascension process down.

Confused? Surprised? Don’t be. If you’re here as part of your soul mission, and most of you are, then you agreed to participate in this ascension cycle and you also agreed to a few stipulations so you would stay within an energy frequency range so you could actually work at the 3D level and not float off into the energetic stratosphere. I call these people Portal Keepers and they have an important mission of ascension protection. 

They also have a sacred contract to participate in ascension and ensure its success, whatever it takes. They are not here to do all of the ascension work, just make sure that it gets done, the energy is here to achieve it, and that there is support for our ascension journey.

So to be clear, no one is here to rescue, save, or magically transition us into 5D. No matter how much we wish that was true, it is not. We are in it for the long haul and that will be as long or as short as we make it. While it is true that we do not leave anyone behind, we also do not get to forge ahead of everyone at supersonic speed because we are still part of the collective ascension cycle. No one gets to get out too far ahead of the collective and you’ll hear why on the podcast version of this article.

Read the rest of the article on the blog at this link.


Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

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