I love the month of March because it is the only month that is an action word. March 4th is my favorite date because every time I say it I am reminded that no matter what has happened in the past, the way out of a challenge is to take one step towards a new beginning.  I remember the old saying ‘March comes in like a lion’ and this one certainly does with a blast of a new moon on the second and strong energy aspects to keep us moving forward with courage, clarity, and confidence all month.

March themes include awareness, alignment, acceptance, and acknowledgement. It’s a big energy month but that is what we need for the times. If we’re ready for some action March will deliver it in very big ways.

March is a 9 energy vibration, the number of completion and endings which also prepares us for new beginnings. We can get stuck in the endings by looking longingly at what is no longer part of our lives and forget that endings simply mean that we have run out of energy road, as I always say, in that situation. 

Every ending precedes a beginning unless we drag out the endings because we feel the loss more than we see the gain.  We have had so many endings in the past few years, many of them accompanied by disappointments that someone could behave in such inconsiderate ways but what the past few years has shown us is what is in someone’s true heart of hearts, what they really feel and most of all, what they fear the most. It is hard to watch people we once thought of as rational to act so irrationally but we have also never seen so much fear promoted to so many people. 

If you remember a few months ago I talked about how the energy cycle we thought ended in 2012 actually began so 2021 was the end of that cycle. And I also said we were now in Ascension 2.0, a new ascension cycle, as of January 2022 when the Ascension cycle that began in April 2003 ended.

Read the rest of the article on the blog at enlighteninglife.com 

Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

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