It’s so easy to get lost in the chaos of what is going on in the world today. With so much fear and uncertainty swirling around we’re uncomfortable and we’re scared too. Our first response to that fear is to want to fix it, to remove it, to take care of the people who are causing or feeding it, to make it go away, to fight it, to shine more light on it, or to hide somewhere and hope that it goes away. 

If we did our work so well why is ascension such a mess? Well, we did our work well and our job was to create the energy foundation that allowed the groundswell of awakening to happen. And all we have to do now is to take care of our own business, which is not changing the world or the people in it, it is taking care of ourselves and our life path and soul mission.

You have heard me say this so many times before, while it is great and noble to want to help others, it is not something that we can or should do without using a great deal of discernment and self restraint. 

You can read the rest of the article on the blog at this link.

Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

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