There is a flow of energy and outcomes that happens once we set out on the clarity path to get knowledge and understanding. We want knowledge because it’s what is going to help us get to the next step and to get unstuck. We want understanding because we want to know why things happen the way they do. 

Frankly, I believe that it is our quest for knowledge and understanding that is the reason we get stuck in the first place. Our desire to know why without being willing to follow the clarity – truth – consequences path will always be a revolving door of healing, with frustration, disappointment, and limitations or blocks preventing our progress. 

I think we ask for clarity without understanding exactly what that entails and what happens when we do get clarity. As I have written and said before, clarity just makes things clear. It does not solve anything. We want clarity because we want the truth, we want to know what is happening. But is that the truth? No, we don’t really want to know the truth, we want to know why something is happening to us, what others’ motivations are, what is wrong with us and why we are being betrayed, rejected, abandoned, or disrespected in some way. 

We want to know why others seem to get what they want and we do not. 

We want to know why our mother didn’t love us (I hear this a lot from clients) or loved our sister or brother more. 

We want to know why our partner left us, broke our heart, betrayed us, or took advantage of us.

We want to know why our loved ones prefer to live alone in their darkness than to be with us in our light. 

We want to know why our sacrifices yield no results except more pain and suffering. 

We want to know why Source allows our suffering while we believe that we have been promised a joyful life. 

We want to know why we aren’t happy while we’re trying to do everything the right way.

We want to know the ‘why’ of everything because then we will understand our challenges and can figure out how to end them. This will get us unstuck and we can move forward. And we think (and are sometimes told) that clarity is the answer. But that is not quite true.

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Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

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