months because they are what you are going to be working with all month. In particular, the divine action mantra of August – “I AM I CAN I WILL’ becomes our action plan for September. The energy theme for September is “It’s time to shine” and my thoughts on this topic may surprise you but I think you’ll agree that we have hidden, dimmed, and blocked our lights long enough. We are ready to go and to glow.

September has some unique energy aspects and it’s a step in a new direction as well as a pilgrimage of spiritual initiation that moves us into new areas of spiritual awareness and understanding. You do not have to look far to see examples of 5D everywhere around you. Even in the darkest places the light of spiritual truth and justice is shining. And we can’t forget the Mercury retrograde this month which is going to remind us that taking extra care with our travel and communications is a good idea. 

This month it’s time for action as we have a powerful Mars placement that is going to be helpful in initiating quick releases of what is no longer aligned with our intention and quick replacement with something else. I know a lot of astrologers tell you to go within, month after month, and take care of your inner work but I’m telling you the opposite. The time to go within is over and we need to stop retreating to our inner sanctums and start showing the world what we’ve got. How can we know if our healing work is completed if we never take action?

It’s a powerful month with a lot of potential and should we choose to undertake our pilgrimage, a journey of spiritual initiation, it may reveal new potentials that we never considered and provide a level of completion and closure that frees us from the bondage of karma, grief, guilt, shame, and our most powerful limiters.

September’s theme is ‘It is time to shine’ and I’m announcing that your time is here. It does not matter why you have been holding back or have been held back, a new paradigm of learning and teaching is necessary now. For the nearly 20 years that I have been a spiritual mentor, teacher, and guide, I have watched as many people came to the forefront and others were left out. 

People who were blessed with powerful gifts, messages, and abilities could not seem to get into the spotlight and were relegated to standing in the wings. 

I wondered about that and as I saw scores of people who did not deserve the accolades they were receiving becoming icons in their field. 

People who built their businesses with work stolen from others (like my content thief Christine Kane), who abused their gifts, who took advantage of people, who said things that were not true, who pretended to channel spiritual beings and who built large cult followings, who appropriated native American teachings to the detriment of some of their followers whose blind trust led to their deaths, who manipulated weak, confused, and needy people into believing that they had all of the answers and they could have them too, for a hefty price. 

In 2005 I said in a channeled message from Archangel Uriel that there would come a time when the teachers the world has celebrated would be replaced with new, compassionate, legitimate teachers and that time has come. The spiritual industry has become a media commodity that only a few select are chosen to participate in while gifted teachers, healers, authors, and way showers struggle. 

And that time is over. It is time to shine, to break free from the bonds of the Martyred Healer and the healing work that has bound our energy for decades in this lifetime and in countless past lifetimes, to claim our energetic sand shine our own light. I have always said that every teacher has an audience and your audience is waiting for you. It is your time to shine so start glowing and get going.

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Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

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