Previous Episode: Time to Pass the Baton

If you were struggling in July you will get some relief in August and then some. We have had some very rare and historic aspects in the past few years but the one that opens August has not happened since 324 BC. This is a clean-up month which is good for clear outs and fresh starts and with the ongoing energy movements that have been building since January the changes that I have been saying would happen this summer are on the way. It’s a month to shore up our energy boundaries and maintain our energetic integrity because anything can happen.

August has important themes of intentional action including motivation, movement, and mastery. We have to acknowledge our own mastery because no one is going to do it for us. It is time for us to stop turning in circles, asking for permission, wondering when things will happen and just get started.

The August mantra came to me yesterday as I was thinking about the energy of this month and what it means to us. The mantra is I AM I CAN I WILL

Let’s look at those phrases in more detail:

I AM is the full embodiment of our self that is healed, whole, and congruent. It is the first foundation of our mastery that allows full integration with our highest potential. I AM is the synergy between potential and possibilities. 

I CAN is the full embodiment of our belief that is clear, undiluted, and unashamed. It is the second foundation of our mastery and is essential to creating the clarity that allows us to apply our wisdom to inspired intention.

I WILL is the full embodiment of our action that is intentional, directed, and purposeful. It is the third foundation of our mastery and is essential to our physical and spiritual movement. Without will we are paralyzed by fear and limited by inaction. I WILL allows us to move energy and expand our reality into higher energetic frequencies and vibrations.

Let’s look at how this applies to August, a rare month indeed.  You can read the rest of this article on the blog at this link, you will read it on the website.


Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

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