Previous Episode: The Energy Burden of Purpose
Next Episode: Ascending Your Destiny

This is another year where the first half of the year will be different from the second half and we’re entering the second half now. If you feel like everything is a struggle right now, that’s because it is. The ‘dark side’ has been in control for a long time and it will not give up without a fight but that cannot deter us from forging onward and upward. Remember energy expansion is not linear, it is spherical. It expands in all directions which is why linear progress is not always obvious. Look in all directions to see where the light is shining brightly and transformation is occurring.

Nothing can stop the 3D/5D ascension integration and the light we carry from reaching even the darkest corners as the collective frequency and vibration continues to rise as humanity awakens to its divinity and the fulfillment of our 2021 mission, claiming our energetic sovereignty. 

And whether your personal fight against the density of darkness is a critical family, disapproving children, friends who no longer speak to you or your own hesitation, anxiety, and doubt, July is a clarion call to bold action and strong confidence. So let’s take it beyond the limits and see how high we can soar.

July moves us out of the 11 spiritual initiation vibration of June to the 3 vibration (7 2015) which is a highly creative and less difficult frequency. Yes 11 is a master number but mastery numbers are full of lessons, challenges, and difficult choices. We can no longer coast between the temptation to become ‘more ready’ and to do more healing and urge to break free of our limitations and fears. All we need is an intention and an action plan because it’s time to start our engines and burn rubber – leave tracks as you jump out of the starting gate. 

This month’s themes are rigor, resolution, and re-orientation and we’re going to apply them to our forward movement so we are moving in a forward direction with clarity, confidence, and congruence and without the questions about our worthiness or need for approval, acknowledgement, and validation.

Rigor refers to the discipline to stay on our ascension path and follow the call of our soul mission for divine congruence, joy, and harmonious fulfillment. 

Resolution refers to the true aim of healing, completion and closure with the finality of knowing that our truth always leads us in the right and best direction. Every relationship is not destined to lead to joyful fulfillment and endings are always a consideration.

Re-orientation refers to our ability to plot a new course for joy as we use acceptance to maintain our energetic integrity. The need for security and stability can keep us mired in ruts of fear and when we realize that we can make course corrections without regret,  guilt, or shame.

Read the full article on the blog at

Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

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