I remember the many times the Universe has tried to prevent me from doing something that I wanted to do anyway. No matter how many obstacles were put in my path I forged ahead, determined to succeed at all costs. And I paid the price in time, energy, and heartache. 

Why did I not see the clues I was receiving for what they were, warnings that the path I was on was not the best one for me, that it was not aligned with the outcomes I wanted in my life? 

What made me forge ahead with my plans, determined to plow through whatever obstacles were in my way, no matter what it took (and sometimes it took a lot)! 

The clue phone rings often in my life and I don’t pick up because I don’t want to hear the messages, but I have learned to listen and then wait for more information because the clue phone always tells me exactly what I need to hear.

I think that being an Aries has something to do with it — I can be very stubborn and keep fighting until the bitter end, but there is also an element of fear present in my unwillingness to abandon my obsessions. 

What if there was nothing else beyond what I saw as my only option? If this didn’t work I would have to start over again and I had invested way too much time, energy, and effort in this particular outcome to give up before I got what I wanted (sound familiar?).  

So when the clue phone starts ringing, in the form of events, situations, signs, and hints from every direction, asking me to look in another direction, I just pretend to be deaf and blind and ignore them.

One situation stands out in my mind as a great example of this. I wanted to work for a company and had managed to contact the CEO and get an interview. This was a leading edge technology company I admired and respected and I really wanted this job. 

A few weeks later I had the interview with the CEO and the department head I would be working with. I just knew that my strong technical background, years of software research, development, implementation, and troubleshooting experience and great project management skills would be an asset to the company. I had a strong resume and great experience, what else did I need?  

The CEO was impressed but the other man was a little nervous because I was more experienced and qualified than he was. I noticed he kept looking at me and I could tell that he was very uncomfortable with my presence. (Clue number 1)

Intuitively, I could feel his discomfort and I knew this was going to be a problem as I had faced this situation before. Even though I didn’t want his job, he probably wasn’t convinced and the tech industry is extremely competitive.

But since I had impressed the CEO, I was sure I had the job. So I kept in contact and waited for the offer letter. Meanwhile, I got several other interview offers but turned them down because I knew that I was going to get this job. When I called the department head’s office he was never around and he never returned my phone calls (Clue number 2).

Then I called the CEO and he said it was out of his hands, it was up to the department head (so the CEO  wasn’t going to support me, Clue number 3). This was going to be a problem because the CEO who had offered me the job initially was now obviously not going to override the opinion or choice of the man who was already nervous about me and I had not even started yet and he would not talk to me.

I had some software that this company produced and one day, a month after my interview and after making another call to the company to find out when I would be receiving the offer letter, I opened my desk drawer to get the product CD and it had broken in half. How that happened is a mystery because I always kept the CD in that drawer, along with others and it was the only one that was broken. (Clue number 4).  Do you know much force it takes to break a CD in half? I tried one, it was not easy.

So I called the company, which was located in my city, to ask for a replacement and they said I could stop by to get one. I drove to the office and walked up to the door, waved to the receptionist and pulled on the handle when I heard the buzzer. But the door would not open. The receptionist tried to buzz me in a few times but the door was stuck shut. Finally she got up to open the door for me and it wouldn’t open for her either (Clue number 5). 

I was trying to pull it open from the outside, she was pushing it from the inside and it just wouldn’t open. After several tries (she said that had never happened before) the door finally opened, I got my CD and went home. The message was clear, the door to that job was stuck shut and I needed to look elsewhere. 

It had only taken me a month, several dozen phone calls, a lot of frustration and passing up some other opportunities that may have been better options but I gave them a miss because I thought that this job was mine. To be honest, I wanted it to be mine – it was my dream job (or so I thought).

The clue phone had been ringing loudly but I wasn’t listening. I wanted that job and did everything I could to get it. The clue phone is the Universe’s way of letting us know that what we are pursuing is not the best path for us. But since it often happens when we are in a situation where we feel that we have limited options or really want what we’re pursuing, we see the clue phone as another block in our path. 

Or we have put a lot of time, energy, and effort into a situation and we are not going to give up until we get the outcome we want. We’re being driven by our expectations, ego, and sense of righteousness and we want to win, even if the price of winning is very high. When we’re in those situations we can be blinded by our desire to be validated, vindicated, and victorious. 

This is now an ROI situation – we want the return on our investment and nothing is going to stop us. It’s not just our energy, time, and effort that are at stake, but our worthiness, self worth, and self esteem. If we’re such a great person and a great manifestor, then surely we can manifest whatever we want. And we can when the entire situation is in our highest and best good. This means that every part of that situation, including the things we are not yet aware of, have to be able to deliver on our intention for peace, joy, love, abundance, and prosperity.

The clue phone isn’t trying to block us, it is trying to tell us that there is no synergy in our intention and what we’re trying to push towards our reality even though it looks like there is on the surface. And until we answer and acknowledge these truths, many things will stop us because we’re going to continue to go around in a circle of trying, acting, doing, pushing, pulling, and manipulating the situation until we get it to fit into the mold that we have created for it.

The clue phone’s purpose is to get us to change our focus, to move in another direction, and to let go of our will and surrender to the process. How can we surrender when we need a job, want that relationship, have our heart set on what we’re pursuing, or think that it’s the most wonderful thing possible? We have to answer the clue phone and hear the messages it has for us. 

And then have the humility to surrender to a different potential. Then we can let go of what we are pursuing so hard (that’s a huge clue, when we want something so much we will do anything to get it) and see what is beyond its horizon. When we’re focused on a particular outcome we get tunnel vision and become oblivious to everything else. Our perspective is gone, as is our ability to question whether this is the right and best option for us. 

The louder the clue phone rings, the more we resist opening up to the messages that we really need to hear. Then we feel blocked and stuck and have two choices, to push ahead or to stop and wait for more information. 

Can we let go of this dream and trust that another will take its place? That’s hard to do but if the clue phone is ringing, it has a message for us that contains another option. And it’s in our best interest to pick up.

Is the clue phone ringing in your life? What messages does it have for you that you don’t want to hear? 

Can you take a chance that they will be the right and best options for you, even if that means you have to let go of what you have your heart set on and let the universe bring something else to you? 

So what happened to my dream job? I know people who work at the company and someone else got it, for a while. They quit because that Sr. VP was so hard to work for. In fact, a dozen people have had the job and none of them stays for very long although the Sr. VP is still there. Even the CEO has been replaced and the company was bought out a few years ago.

What happened to me after I finally gave up my determination to get that job? Well, the universe had a few surprises for me. In spite of my excellent resume and experience, the only job I could find was to read tarot cards in a metaphysical book store. 

It was the deep end of the pool experience I needed to get me started on the path of doing what I do now, sharing spiritual insights, becoming confident in my intuitive abilities, becoming a channel, being a leader in the self awareness movement, teaching energy congruence and energetic sovereignty. I look back and realize that it was the most perfect path even though at the time I was deeply disappointed that my dream job was not going to manifest for me even though I tried very hard to make it work.

Sometimes what we are offered is so far off from what we believe is right and best for us that we think the universe has lost its mind. If this has happened to you, you know how frustrating it is. 

It might not be what you want to do but if you open yourself to other possibilities, you may be surprised at what can happen.In these interesting and transformational times, we can be overwhelmed by what is happening in our lives but there are always other solutions. Here are a few things to help you get through the difficult moments in your life: Stay calm, focused, detached and aware and remember your thoughts are creating every moment of your life. Think the best ones.

As you ponder this and the other things that are happening at this time remember to:Accept all gifts of understanding with gratitude and use them to apply forgiveness, release, and healing to every situationsurrender means to stop resisting, it does not mean to give up. sometimes surrender is the hardest option but the it is often the wisest one, especially when the clue phone is ringing off the hookAsk for guidance and confirmation and then wait for it to come to you.

Above all, be grateful for this opportunity to be part of humanity’s amazing 3D/5D Ascension integration and moving into divine congruence and Self/self awareness as we all ascend into the miracle vibration and continue down the 3D/5D integration ascension highway.

You can read this on the Enlightening Life blog too, with links to download on a variety of podcast platforms.

Many blessings in these miraculous and amazing times, Jennifer Hoffman

Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

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