Zen Wisdom for Your Everyday Life artwork

Zen Wisdom for Your Everyday Life

315 episodes - English - Latest episode: 3 months ago - ★★★★★ - 19 ratings

So many are saying Where is God when I need him? Especially today. Many feel deserted and alone. But it is only that we have been looking in the wrong direction, searching everywhere but at home.  The surprising answer to the question tells us instead, that all we need is right here with us in our everyday life. In fact it is right at the kitchen table.  It is only that we have been looking elsewhere, searching all around. These episodes offer specific ways in which we can encounter God, fulfillment, enlightenment right here in our daily lives, wherever we go.  

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March 15, 2022 17:00 - 16 minutes - 7.55 MB

We live as though we are separate, and seek connection, provision and understanding wherever we go. However, Zen practice shows us that whatever we do, we are connected. There is nothing but relationship. And as we understand and practice this, as we honor all that comes to us, it becomes easy to see that the Giver and Receiver are one. The ancient Zen practice of begging, Takahatsu, displays this beautiful dance wonderfully.  The monks come into the village to receive provisions. They wear ...

What Is Your Relationship Dedicated To?

March 08, 2022 18:00 - 17 minutes - 7.99 MB

It might come as a surprise to wonder about what our relationship is dedicated to, but this important step makes all the difference in how things will proceed. For many a relationship is a shelter to hide from the world in. For others it is a delicious meal, there to fill them up and make them happy.  When they become tired of the food, or can no longer digest it, the relationship ends. There are those who seek relationships in order to feel valuable, for status, position, or a role to play ...


March 01, 2022 18:00 - 17 minutes - 8.08 MB

One of the cornerstones of all relationships is the giving and receiving of support. For many this becomes complicated as they feel the happiness of another is dependent upon them. They must guide or control another. Many stop focusing upon their own lives, believing  it's their job to  take away another's suffering.  This kind of relationship is often based upon sharing mutual suffering, leaning on one another, and it only makes  the suffering more intense.  All of these modes of being are ...


March 01, 2022 18:00 - 17 minutes - 8.08 MB

One of the cornerstones of all relationships is the giving and receiving of support. For many this becomes complicated as they feel the happiness of another is dependent upon them. They must guide or control another. Many stop focusing upon their own lives, believing  it's their job to  take away another's suffering.  This kind of relationship is often based upon sharing mutual suffering, leaning on one another, and it only makes  the suffering more intense.  All of these modes of being are ...


February 22, 2022 17:00 - 16 minutes - 7.77 MB

When we look deeply at Zen it is easy to see that truly, it is  truly the practice of love. The practice of nurturing out lives and the lives of all we meet  It may seem odd to think that love is a practice! Most think of it as a spontaneous arising of the heart, something that comes out of the blue. While that may be so, it is also important to prepare the soil of our lives for this great gift to flourish, for the flower of love to bloom.  As we plant the seeds of love in a ripe soil that h...


February 14, 2022 17:00 - 16 minutes - 7.37 MB

We all want love and then when we find it can become enormously thrilled. Things may be wonderful, perfect for a while. We are caught in the delicious excitement of finding love. But after awhile, inevitably that excitement fades. And the sense of having found what we've always been searching for may disappear as well. The question then often rises, "What happened? Where did the love go?" The answer may be surprising, too. Because the love didn't go anywhere. Real love can't, it's everywhere...


February 09, 2022 16:00 - 15 minutes - 7.35 MB

Most of us think  that we have to sort out what's valuable and what isn't.  If something doesn't meet our needs or standards, we often toss it away, labelling it as waste, or garbage. We do this with all kinds of things, including people and relationships. But Zen practice teaches there is no such thing as garbage. Everything has value and can be received as nourishment.  Left over food can be wonderful in soup, a wilted vegetable can provide for the soil. Difficulty in relationships can hel...


February 02, 2022 18:00 - 17 minutes - 8.02 MB

Most of us use our relationships to feel good, safe, wanted, valued. We choose the people we want to interact with and eliminate anyone who is challenging or upsetting. Basically the illusion is that this will keep us happy and strong. Actually, the opposite is true. We are missing an amazing opportunity to expand, grow and get to know not only others, but to really know ourselves.   We do not see that relationships are truly a mirror in which we see ourselves. When interacting with others, ...


January 26, 2022 16:00 - 16 minutes - 7.81 MB

No matter how much we practice, once we get up from the cushion, or any other practice we do, we encounter one person after another, one relationship after the next. Some are affirming and joyous, others may cause upset or difficulty.  All of these relationships are simply extensions of our practice. Each person we meet, whoever they are, is our teacher in what it means to love. Not only are they our teacher, these encounters, are here to show us the truth about what love really is.  Natural...


January 19, 2022 18:00 - 16 minutes - 7.7 MB

Zen practice helps us dissolve many illusion that grip us.  We learn how to stay present to what's happening, see what's right here,  appreciate each moment, and to take our clarity and new perspective into our everyday life. In the same way, as we practice in life, and in our relationships we can discover the many ways in which we are gripped by Counterfeit Love. Most people feel relationships are tricky, painful and  even dangerous. But when the practice of Zen is applied to relationships,...


January 11, 2022 17:00 - 16 minutes - 7.64 MB

We all think relationships are difficult, difficult to find, to keep and to enjoy. But the true heart of Zen practice says something different.  Zen points to the fact that we are in relationships continually,  and that everyone we meet is our teacher, in  what it really means to love. And our teacher  how to thoroughly appreciate this life we are living now. No matter what is going on. Sadly, most of us suffer in relationships, reacting to what happens automatically, rather than responding ...


January 04, 2022 16:00 - 15 minutes - 7.35 MB

We all long for things to be different, fresh, alive, brand new. But to make the New Year  new, we have to be new! The days roll on as they do, but they can become fresh, alive and meaningful, no matter what's going on. It all depends upon the way, we view things, how we respond, who we are. As we become able to look through new eyes, what we see becomes new. When we look through our same old filters, notions and limitations, nothing changes and a sense of helplessness goes on and on. Zen pr...


December 28, 2021 17:00 - 16 minutes - 7.56 MB

As the New Year approaches we naturally look over the year gone by. In the process, we accept some aspects of it, reject others, long to change certain things that happened or do them over again. There is a sense that the year was not complete, perhaps a feeling of remorse or guilt at what has transpired. Yet, a fundamental  symbol in Zen Practice is One Complete Circle. This circle encompasses all of our experience with nothing left out. It has no beginning or ending, as one moment naturall...


December 21, 2021 17:00 - 16 minutes - 7.7 MB

Much of the time life does not go as we've planned for, and we become distressed. If events don't go according to our liking or according to our expectation we feel something is wrong - either with the events or with ourselves. But life happens as it has to, and when we accept, enjoy and even celebrate each moment, as it is, we will often find unexpected discoveries.  Although it may not be apparent at first, any moment can bring surprises, gifts, and new possibilities we had no idea of. A p...

No Problem - All is Proceeding Perfectly - IT Knows The Way

December 15, 2021 16:00 - 17 minutes - 8.05 MB

During this holiday so many are running in all kinds of directions, no knowing what to do next. As we check off one activity after another, make one plan after the next, our heads are often spinning. Am I getting the right gift? Am I doing the right thing? It does seem as if the world lies on our shoulders, and we dare not make a mistake.  This attitude itself robs our joy from us and sends us off into confusion.  Not only that, it is not true that the world rests on our shoulders. Far from ...


December 06, 2021 18:00 - 17 minutes - 7.87 MB

So many of us are looking over the year gone by, going over our goals and actions. Sadly, many conclude that they are failures. They haven't performed as they might have wished, haven't been able to control things. This malady of constantly judging ourselves, our lives and others to see if we have failed or succeeded, is not a part of true Zen Practice.  Constantly looking to see if we have failed or succeeded  robs us of joy,. It curtails our curiosity and often ruins an otherwise beautiful...


November 29, 2021 22:00 - 16 minutes - 7.74 MB

This amazing season is a time of turning deeply to the light.  Many holidays converge at this time all dedicated to living a life if kindness, wisdom and truth. It often seems as if we are left alone in this world , having to battle gigantic forces, having no power to turn darkness around. This, and many other illlusions can grip us and tie us up in a season of pain or despair. However, the time of Light, tells us otherwise. It says we all have the power to turn in another direction, take ou...


November 23, 2021 16:00 - 17 minutes - 8.24 MB

You Cannot Be Depressed And Grateful at the Same Time. Gratitude is a gift not only to others, but to yourself as well. The mad mind constantly tries to find what's wrong with life, with others and with the day It filters out the beauty and joy, dwells on pain and disappointment and tries to take over our lives. Gratitude is a powerful medicine for all that ails us. Take charge of your focus. Seek out that which is beautiful, brave, beneficial in all you meet. It only takes a moment. Rather ...


November 13, 2021 18:00 - 15 minutes - 10.3 MB

SO SORRY THAT AN EMPTY RECORDING WAS UPLOADED LAST WEEK. HERE IS THE CORRECT ONE. Much of our lives is about the desire  to feel loved. We do everything to feel deserving, to be approved of, to receive the acclaim we're hungry for. When circumstances go our way, when friends come and family is close there's a sense that all is well. And that we are worthy. When circumstances change, as they inevitably must,  upset follows. All of this arises from being caught in Counterfeit Love.  Counterfe...

ZEN AND RELATIONSHIPS (Find Love By Doing Nothing)

November 10, 2021 19:00 - 1 second - 53.2 KB

Much of our lives is about the desire  to feel loved. We do everything to feel deserving, to be approved of, to receive the acclaim we're hungry for. When circumstances go our way, when friends come and family is close there's a sense that all is well. And that we are worthy. When circumstances change, as they inevitably must,  upset follows. All of this arises from being caught in Counterfeit Love.  Counterfeit  love is a deep misunderstanding about the nature of love and how to live it. It...


November 01, 2021 15:00 - 18 minutes - 12.4 MB

There is so  much suffering going on today and we grab at all kinds of medicines to feel better. Some medicines give us temporary comfort, others relieve symptoms for a long while. And yet, we seldom pause to ask ourselves and explore what is the illness, really? What is the very nature of dis-ease itself.  No matter how much medicine we take, even when once problem is gone, another pops up shortly, and the discomfort goes on and on. Is there a way to end this situation completely? Can we go...


October 26, 2021 15:00 - 17 minutes - 11.9 MB

When Dogen, a great Zen Master of old, returned home after years of study and practice he was asked what he brought with him to share? His famous reply was, "I've come with nothing but empty hands."  Empty hands are precious, they cling to nothing, grab at nothing, carry no baggage at all. These empty hands are fully available to reach out, to touch, feel, comfort and guide. With nothing to hold onto, we are available to everything and everyone. Empty hands are also another way of expressing...


October 20, 2021 15:00 - 17 minutes - 12.4 MB

Although we think we our lives are solid and will go on the same way forever, a beautiful Zen poem reminds us that we are all travelers, passing through the changing seasons of our lives.  Often it's hard to know our destination, or what new turns will appear on the road. We also feel stunned and shaken, when those who have been travelling along with us, suddenly take a different turn in the road.  However, when we see ourselves as travelers, moving along an ever changing road, we do not cli...


October 11, 2021 15:00 - 17 minutes - 12.2 MB

We all long for close, happy, fulfilling relationships and look for them everywhere we go.  There are many skills we acquire about how to treat another, communicate and hold onto the love we've found. But our relationships have a life of their own, and even if they are wonderful for a while, change is inevitable.  Loss and sorry are common. In Zen practice, however, the entire way of approaching relationships is different. We discover a completely new way of being close, loving and  fulfill...


October 04, 2021 15:00 - 17 minutes - 11.7 MB

Most of us think we are alone in a world of strangers. We hide from these strangers in many ways, keeping our guard up around us. This gives the illusion that we are safe and protected in a place where no one can touch us. But just the opposite is true. Not only are we never alone, but communication streams forth between us and others all the time, even though we are not aware of it. When we allow the veils which surround us to come down, we see who the other truly is, we are no longer stran...


September 28, 2021 15:00 - 17 minutes - 12.3 MB

As summer ends and the holiday season closes, a call comes to each of us. "Linger With Me, One More day."   Before we return to our business, (busyness), become absorbed in schedules, routines, plans and  responsibilities, we are being asked to take one more day and set it aside. We have so many claims upon our attention day after day. So many events and people appear, bearing all kinds of reports. It is difficult to sort out what's real and what isn't. What's important and what is not. But...


September 08, 2021 15:00 - 16 minutes - 11.6 MB

This is a season of Rebirth, Renewal and Return.  When we become too trapped in distraction, distortion and confusion, there is a road back to our original wisdom and sanity. The holidays this year all call us to step out of our usual patterns, take time for recollection, look carefully at ourselves and others and extend and ask for forgiveness. It is time for our hearts to be cleansed and for us to see deeply the nature of the suffering that we are in the grip of. It's easy to blame the suf...


August 31, 2021 13:00 - 17 minutes - 12 MB

We hate to make mistakes and will do anything not to. Constantly trying to correct ourselves and the world we live in, there is no end to it. Once one mistake has been corrected another one seems to pop up. Even after expending a great deal of effort, and despite success along the way, in the end many feel dissatisfied, as though something went wrong and they made a mistake. What we do not realize is that the mistake we make that is continuous, is not what we do, but the way we perceive and ...


August 24, 2021 15:00 - 17 minutes - 12.2 MB

Most of our life is about avoiding  all kinds of storms we hear are coming. Bad news is everywhere, and in a moment conditions change and we fear we will be assaulted by uncontrollable storms without, and within. Our first reaction is to go into lockdown, put our life on hold. We clench up, become compulsively focused on the external world and figure one strategy after another to keep safe. This never works. Ever. Our true safety, resilence, peace and clarity arise when we are able to go wit...


August 24, 2021 15:00 - 17 minutes - 12.2 MB

Most of our life is about avoiding  all kinds of storms we hear are coming. Bad news is everywhere, and in a moment conditions change and we fear we will be assaulted by uncontrollable storms without, and within. Our first reaction is to go into lockdown, put our life on hold. We clench up, become compulsively focused on the external world and figure one strategy after another to keep safe. This never works. Ever. Our true safety, resilence, peace and clarity arise when we are able to go wit...


August 17, 2021 16:00 - 18 minutes - 12.6 MB

,As T.S. Eliot reminds us, "Human Beings Cannot Bear Very much Reality." Most of us do all we can to avoid reality as it seems harsh and cruel. Instead, we live in dreams, hopes and assorted delusions thinking these will change things and keep us safe and well. We live in the hope of finding peace and compassion in the assorted images and fantasies we are accosted by. The practice of Zen teaches otherwise. Zen is based upon the foundation of our intrinsic ability to see clearly, know the tru...


August 11, 2021 16:00 - 17 minutes - 12.2 MB

Most of us think that Zen practice, like life itself is complicated and difficult.  Nothing can be further from the truth. Like the essence of life and happiness, it is incredibly simple, direct and available. It is our longing for mystery and c omplexity that makes life and practice seem confusing and hard. It is our attachment to stoking the fires of endless drama. Caught in all this we do not see the miracle right in front of our eyes. This episode returns us to the simple truths of a liv...


August 02, 2021 15:00 - 18 minutes - 12.6 MB

Fundamentally we are all sane, clear, happy, loving. We see clearly what's in front of our eyes. However, as life goes forward the storms of our mad minds produce all kind of confusion. We're accosted by delusion, dreams and fantasies that throw us off track. Suffering quickly takes the place of our original joy.  But when we become able to see through the commotion that the mad mind presents, we see the mad mind for what it truly is and it loses its power over us. The confusion, delusion an...


July 26, 2021 15:00 - 16 minutes - 11.1 MB

We all want our days to be special and do all kinds of things to have that happen. We plan adventures, meet with friends, plan wonderful dinners. We want something to look forward to, so that we're not caught in the same, old routine. In Zen practice, however, there is no such thing as the same, old routine. In fact, our practice focuses upon our simple, same, daily routine. As we practice, however, we see that all of our ordinary, activities are special and can bring great meaning and delig...


July 20, 2021 15:00 - 18 minutes - 12.8 MB

Believe it or not, there are simple steps to sanity, which will stop the chaos within. So often we find ourselves twirling around like a top, searching for stability in the middle of the spin. Many feel that the faster they spin, the easier it will be to find, or create that which will produce calmness and satisfaction. But for now, we have to spin. And, it always seems as though the chaos is outside ourselves caused by constantly changing conditions. However, there is a completely different...


July 13, 2021 15:00 - 7 minutes - 5.19 MB

""Language issues forth and yet not a word is said." We often feel separate from one another, longing to be seen and heard. There seems to be so many barriers to connection and we rarely feel understood. And yet, all the while, in truth, we are forever connected. In fact, we are speaking and listening to each other and to the whole world all the time. Yet, mostly we are not aware of it. We don't know what we're truly saying or hearing, or if anyone is listening at all. The first step in ...


July 13, 2021 15:00 - 6 minutes - 4.37 MB

THIS IS PART TWO, OF THE GREAT CONVERSATION... BROADCAST AT THE SAME TIME AS PART 1.  "Language issues forth and yet not a word is said." We often feel separate from one another, longing to be seen and heard. There seems to be so many barriers to connection and we rarely feel understood. And yet, all the while, in truth, we are forever connected. In fact, we are speaking and listening to each other and to the whole world all the time. Yet, mostly we are not aware of it. We don't know what...


July 06, 2021 15:00 - 18 minutes - 12.5 MB

Usually we think we have many chances to do something, say something or have a new experience. If we miss our opportunity today, tomorrow will always come. This poignant, powerful Zen saying is a reminder that tomorrow may not come. It is also a reminder that each moment, each person, each opportunity that arises before us is "unrepeatable". If we miss what is right in front of our eyes, if we think it is not so important, or not to our liking, we are are really missing our lives.  The teach...


June 30, 2021 14:00 - 17 minutes - 11.9 MB

Most of us live our lives walking along preset paths. We  follow our plans and expectations and do all we can to  make things work out. When things go  our way, we call the day good. However, Zen practice shows us how to respond when our path is blocked, when sudden events take place, or someone in great need is placed before us. Practice shows us how to let go of our plans and expectations, to really encounter what is in front of us , become available , and respond whole heartedly to the cr...

Everyday Is A Good Day

June 23, 2021 22:00 - 17 minutes - 11.8 MB

As the great Zen teaching goes, "When there are no unnecessary thoughts in your mind, everyday is a Good day."  This is teaching us that basically thoughts cannot be depended upon, they are unnecessary to our well being. Not only that, most of the time they act as a block to seeing what is right here in front of us, and truly enjoying it. Our usual thinking is critical, searching for mistakes in ourselves and others. It is preoccupied with right and wrong, always judging, separating us from ...

HERE I AM; (If You Look, You Will Find Me)

June 15, 2021 16:00 - 17 minutes - 12.3 MB

How often we wonder where we are, or where someone else may be? There's a sense of being lost in the world, and also a sense that the people we care for are missing. Even when they're right beside us, they can be missing. But the great koan of Zen is, I'm Here!  Not only am I right here before you, so is the entire world. It is only us, we separate ourselves from what is right before us. We look away from what is happening, wanting or expecting something else. But when we are willing to rece...

HERE I AM; (If You Look, You Will Find Me)

June 15, 2021 16:00 - 17 minutes - 12.3 MB

How often we wonder where we are, or where someone else may be? There's a sense of being lost in the world, and also a sense that the people we care for are missing. Even when they're right beside us, they can be missing. But the great koan of Zen is, I'm Here!  Not only am I right here before you, so is the entire world. It is only us, we separate ourselves from what is right before us. We look away from what is happening, wanting or expecting something else. But when we are willing to rece...

Stepping Off The Merry Go Round

June 08, 2021 15:00 - 17 minutes - 11.8 MB

Around and around we go in life, enjoying the whirling merry go round. Up and down we go, waiting for the golden ring. Then , at last, dizzy and unsettled, the time comes when it's no longer fun. The golden ring doesn't satisfy, or stop the chase we're on. The spinning wearies us, and we long to step onto the firm earth. That moment of recognition is vital. And then, how do we take that step off the merry go round. Where does it lead us and what happens then? 


June 01, 2021 16:00 - 19 minutes - 13.2 MB

Often it's hard to take the next step. We don't know where to go, what will happen, or if we're going n the right direction. We can lose years of our lives wondering, doubting ourselves, or fearing the outcome.  Although we long to start a new era, relationship, or experience, so many of us are stopped, and put our lives on hold.  We don't know if we're ready or clear enough about what to do. Zen practice has a wonderful response to this dilemma. It is actually the very practice of taking th...

STAY WITH ME, (No Coming Or Going)

May 25, 2021 15:00 - 16 minutes - 11.3 MB

We all dash about endlessly, coming and going without end. Where are we going and what are we looking for? Relief, refreshment, fun, success. We start a relationship and then quickly need a break. Maybe there's something better out there? But all the coming and going leaves us exhausted, and ultimately disappointed.  There's a better way to receive what we need. Go nowhere at all, stay still and patient in the middle of the storm of desires. Once the restless heart pauses, then our true need...


May 17, 2021 17:00 - 17 minutes - 12.1 MB

It's natural to think that we must guard what we have, hold onto it tight and be careful not to lose it. No matter how much we hold on though, everything changes and we experience loss. It's as though nothing remains, and we are left bereft and lonely.  This is the perception of the small child within, who screams and cries, throws tantrums and demands the world always remain and provide just what they want when they want it. As we grow, our awareness develops and the deeper truth is reveal...


May 10, 2021 15:00 - 16 minutes - 11.3 MB

The question "What's Next?" is heard over and over. We finish one project and search for the next.  Big changes take place in our life and we immediately dwell upon how we will go on, or what to do or say next. .A relationship ends and we're hungry for another.  It may  even seem as if there is nothing  ahead for us. This can create deep despair, along with feelings of helplessness and failure. As we live this way, we overlook and aren't  aware of life's continuous offerings life presents.  ...


May 03, 2021 14:00 - 17 minutes - 11.7 MB

We live our lives with the feeling that something important is missing. We may have had it for a little while, but right now, it's gone. So much of our time is then spent searching for what it is we're longing for. And even if we find it again, briefly, the sense of fullness doesn't last long.  As we engage in Zen practice, though, a moment comes when we realize that Nothing can possibly be missing. Everything in the world is here. It's in front of our eyes, right here. It's only us, we do n...


April 26, 2021 16:00 - 18 minutes - 12.4 MB

We  feel we are trapped in routines, doing the same thing again and again. So many things are repeated in our lives, including in our relationships. A sense of drudgery and boredom can take over our lives. Where is the joy, where is the fun? Am I doomed to repeat the same thing again and again? we ask. But Zen practice turns this all around. As we realize that each moment, each step is unique and different, it is clear to see that this step, this moment, this encounter, will not ever come ag...


April 19, 2021 15:00 - 17 minutes - 12.2 MB

Where do we turn when in the midst of confusion, upset, noise or danger?  When the Mad Mind starts to sing, it can seem as if the whole world turns around, leaving us upset, dislodged and unable to step forward.  Many feel lost and lonely. At those times it appears as if we have nothing to hold onto. There's no clear direction or place to go. But Zen practice tell us otherwise.  Zen shows us the place, always waiting for us .Filled with wisdom, guidance, strength and humor, it is our origina...