One of the cornerstones of all relationships is the giving and receiving of support. For many this becomes complicated as they feel the happiness of another is dependent upon them. They must guide or control another. Many stop focusing upon their own lives, believing  it's their job to  take away another's suffering.  This kind of relationship is often based upon sharing mutual suffering, leaning on one another, and it only makes  the suffering more intense.  All of these modes of being are based upon misunderstanding, and the support received in that way,  often weakens and depletes both parties. 
 In Zen Practice, there is Unwavering Support available, but it comes to us and others on a different basis. As we sit together in the silence, focusing upon our breath, not moving, not speaking and not interfering with the pain of another,  enormous support arises for all. This support arises from a different level of our being.  That part allows all things to come into our experience and then to leave.  As we sit through whatever arises, not only do we become strong and make room for the pain to dissolve, we lend our presence, strength  and support to others as well.