We all long for things to be different, fresh, alive, brand new. But to make the New Year  new, we have to be new! The days roll on as they do, but they can become fresh, alive and meaningful, no matter what's going on. It all depends upon the way, we view things, how we respond, who we are. As we become able to look through new eyes, what we see becomes new. When we look through our same old filters, notions and limitations, nothing changes and a sense of helplessness goes on and on. Zen practice comes to tell us that we are not helpless.  Fundamentally,  all of us are strong, beautiful, clear and filled with joy. Our confusion about who we are, and what is important hides this from us. This practice adds nothing to us, rather, it takes away the cobwebs, illusions and conditioning  that have distorted and confused our lives. The more the cobwebs are removed, the more natural it becomes to "Taste and See that Life is Good." Very good. Delicious!