As the New Year approaches we naturally look over the year gone by. In the process, we accept some aspects of it, reject others, long to change certain things that happened or do them over again. There is a sense that the year was not complete, perhaps a feeling of remorse or guilt at what has transpired. Yet, a fundamental  symbol in Zen Practice is One Complete Circle. This circle encompasses all of our experience with nothing left out. It has no beginning or ending, as one moment naturally flows into the next. This One Complete Circle teaches us that our year, or day, or relationship is complete, (or fulfilled), as it is. We do not have to return again and again to the same moment in the hope of reliving it.  Without that one moment as it was, the next could not take place.. Each moment brings growth and discovery, as does each year, no matter how it turned out. In order to be ready for a truly New Year, we must allow the year that has passed to be complete, and fulfilled.  Give thanks for it as it was. Then the year that is approaching will have room for  beautiful changes and love.